Them (Him #3)

Them (Him #3) by Carey Heywood

Book: Them (Him #3) by Carey Heywood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carey Heywood
Getting to wake up each morning with her in my arms has only made my love for her grow. Now, knowing she’s carrying my baby, a baby we’ve both been dreaming for, my love has impossibly grown even more. I’m excited to watch her body change as our son or daughter does. The actual birth part has me nervous, but I have nine months to get over that.
    Worshipping Sarah’s body has always been easy. Her skin, her curves, the way she reacts to my touch, it’s addictive. Her belly is my new obsession, though. I want to call in sick to work for her entire pregnancy and watch her body change. It’s early so of course there’s no visible change, but that doesn’t stop me from kissing every inch of her torso knowing my baby is inside her. I plan to make that a daily ritual. At night, after loving her, I will chart the changes to her body with my lips and fingertips.
    I carry her over to our bed. “I’m pregnant, Will, not disabled.”
    “Hush.” I kiss her forehead. “Let me take care of you.”
    She doesn’t argue; instead, shockingly, she blushes. My beautiful wife, the mate to my soul, and I can still make her blush.
    “Do we wait to tell people?” I ask, resting her in the sea of pillows on our bed.
    “Maybe we should see the doctor first to make sure everything is okay.”
    “Do you think we’ll get a picture of the baby?”
    She lifts her shoulder, reaching out to lace her fingers through mine. “I don’t know.”
    “Okay, so we’ll go to your doctor before we tell anyone.”
    She nods, a small smile curving her lips. It’s then that I see her eyes are wet.
    I sink down next to her and hold her face in my hands, my eyes asking the question my lips don’t.
    “I’m okay,” she answers, then pauses to take a shaky breath. “I’m just so happy.”
    My hands drop to band around her and her face tucks into my neck as I hold her to my chest.
    “So happy,” she repeats, and I know she’s crying.
    My nose stings and I blink away my own tears. I hate to see her cry, but knowing they are tears of joy settles somewhere deep inside my gut.
    After my sister passed away, my family life was beyond dysfunctional. My parents both checked out. They lost themselves in their grief and not only forgot about each other, they forgot about me, as well. I’ll never understand that. Making Sarah happy is my mission in life. Knowing that I’m succeeding is what, in turn, makes me happy.
    “Go back down to Logan,” she whispers. “I don’t want him worrying.”
    “I know we’re not telling anyone yet, but should we tell him?” I ask, pulling back so I can see her face.
    She hesitates. “I think we should make sure everything is okay with the . . .” Her face softens. “ . . . baby first.”
    I nod, leaning down to kiss her forehead. “I’ll get your phone.”
    She looks confused and giggles. “Why?”
    “You have a doctor’s appointment to make.”

    Sarah is struggling with what to get Logan for Christmas. She’s worrying herself sick with trying to make it perfect for him. That or she’s using it as an excuse not to think about the doctor’s appointment we have scheduled tomorrow.
    “Let me handle his gift.”
    Her brows lift. “But . . .” she starts to argue.
    “Nope.” I lean down to murmur against her lips. “I’ve got this.”
    She relaxes in my arms, and I hate to leave her but Logan and I need to get to school.
    “Have you shopped for Rascal?” I ask, knowing she hasn’t.
    Her eyes light up. “She needs a stocking.”
    That’s my girl. I brush my lips softly against her again before I pull away. Logan is waiting for me by the side door.
    On the way to school, I do some sleuthing to see what he’d like for Christmas. He’s an active kid, and I’ve already planned to get him some Lacrosse gear so he can participate when I start coaching in the spring. That will be one part of his present but while I want him to learn what it feels like to be part of a team, I also want him to learn how

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