    With a sigh of relief the woman slipped out the door the sound of the lock engaging behind the strange woman. Carefully she folded the piece of paper with shaking fingers and tucked it into her bra. Anxiety made her restless and she paced across the small room, her mind in turmoil. Her hope dimmed slightly at the thought of what horrors Colin endured. She had to get them out of here and soon.
    The metallic sound of the door opening froze her in place, her heart jumped painfully as Vance stood at the doorway. His face set in grim lines anger smoldered in his dark eyes as he raked them over her. She fought the urge to wrap her arms around herself protectively then thought better of it. She refused to be anyone’s victim. Her chin jutted out and her back straightened as she stared him in the eye, refusing to back down or show any sign of weakness.
    Vance’s lip lifted in a nasty sneer. “You are going to help me get the information I need from that freak of nature.”
    “I will not hurt him.”
    He gave a nasty laugh. “I promise you, he won’t feel a thing after you take his mind.”
    Her voice shook with terror at what he wanted her to do. “I will never do that to him. Kill me now, for I swear to the Gods I will never use my gift for you.”
    “Even to save your lover from a very painful death?”
    “You are a monster!”
    “And you are a monstrous weapon. The perfect pair,” Vance moved to her side, grasping her arm in a painful vice. “Time to say goodbye to your lover.”
    Juliet struggled against his touch and hatred scoured her insides as hot as a blowtorch. If only she could pull on some energy any energy, but there was none to be had. He half pulled, half dragged her down the hallway and through another steel door. Stumbling into the small room she stopped and stared, horror at the sight that met her.
    Colin hung nude in front of her horrified eyes, steel manacles secured his wrists held high over his head. Heavy chains were secured by hooks in the ceiling. His ankles were likewise bound and bolted to the floor. Angry slash wounds covered every inch of his chest, thighs and arms. Blood pooled under his bare feet as he hung limply from his bindings. His head lay low almost to his chest, dark auburn hair obscuring his face from her view. A tall, gaunt creature held a whip in his hand, its mouth open in a parody of a smile as he applied the whip once more to Colin’s flesh. He jerked at the strike, a hiss of pain coming from him.
    Every instinct in her screamed at her to go to him and she fisted her hands at her side, her nails biting deep into her flesh to prevent that from happening. Vance already had too much control over the both of them. Colin must have sensed her presence since his head lifted fever bright gaze locked onto hers. It was then she noticed the collar around his neck and knew it prevented him from shifting. She could feel the pulse of perverted magic from the damnable thing. She pulled at her magic, just slightly and it leapt toward her telling her no wards prevented her from using her magic.
    Small relief when she was expected to destroy the man she loved with her cursed ability.
    “Enough, you have failed me. Get out of my sight, you miserable piece of shit,” Vance spat out.
    “But sir, I am close to giving you what you have requested. Just a few more moments—”
    “You have had enough time and I’m still without my answers. It’s time to take another route,” Vance interrupted. “I’m sure Ms. Boyd will be more than happy to comply.”
    “You promised me his flesh,” the ghoul whined pitifully. “I’m so very hungry.”
    Juliet shuddered as she recognized what the thing was. “Send it away, please I beg of you.”
    The ghoul turned his malicious glare in her direction and her flesh crawl. “Better yet, give me this one. She will make quite a tasty dish. Yes, this one will do quite nicely.”
    “As tempting as that idea is I still have need of her. Leave

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