Their Taydelaan

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Book: Their Taydelaan by Rachel Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Clark
Tags: Romance
distress. He barely held himself still, the
    instinct to go to her, to protect and comfort her, nearly overwhelming every other sensible thought in his head.
    He had no idea how long he stood there, mentally tracking her
    movements after she’d turned the corner, but it wasn’t until he felt Zack’s telepathic touch in his mind that he roused enough to fully understand what had just happened.
    “Everything okay?” Zack asked in a quiet telepathic voice.
    Mitchell nodded his head even though his lover wasn’t in the same
    room. Thanks to their mate link, Zack would’ve felt everything
    Mitchell felt when he’d held the woman in his arms.
    “I think you need to come down to the hospital.” He smiled as he sent the words he’d often wondered if he’d ever get the chance to say.
    “I just found our Taydelaan . ”

    Their Taydelaan

    * * * *

    Fear was still thumping in her chest when Jade finally made it to
    the room where Kayla held a newborn baby girl in her arms. But
    something made her stop. Jade stood at the doorway, suddenly
    worried that she’d made the wrong decision. Kayla looked so content
    sitting there with a baby in her arms. Who was Jade to burst her
    delusional bubble?
    But it wasn’t her baby. The child wasn’t her daughter. Genetically
    that just wasn’t possible.
    A quick glance at the bed showed Kayla’s so-called partners
    cuddled together. David had his back to the doorway, but it was very
    clear that he was wrapped around his wife, holding her close.
    Jade hesitated. She hadn’t seen her sister in more than six months,
    and that had just been a brief visit. It had been tense and uncertain, and she’d left feeling even more wretched than the first time they’d argued over Kayla’s choice of partners.
    But where did sisterly concern end and unwanted meddling begin?
    Jade stepped away from the door and took a seat in the hallway. She’d once promised to try and understand Kayla’s unusual relationship. If
    she upset Kayla now, would her sister push her out of her life
    completely? Would she refuse Jade’s help when her relationship
    Making a decision she hoped she wouldn’t regret, Jade left the
    hospital quickly. With a strange paranoid feeling of being followed,
    she slid into her car and headed for home.

    * * * *

    “I lost her,” Mitchell said out loud as Zack pulled his car into the
    parking space beside him. His heart felt heavy, his gut hollow, like a part of him had been torn away. Zack quickly got out of the car and
    wrapped his arms around Mitchell.

    Rachel Clark
    “It’s okay, babe,” he said with a confidence he was far from
    feeling. “We’ll find her.”
    “Zack, she was frightened of me. I caught a quick flash of
    memory, something in her past that scared her really badly, and
    somehow that fear transferred to me.”
    Zack nodded as he held his lover tighter. He’d also felt the
    woman’s fear, had even understood it came from a memory and not
    Mitchell’s actions, but he had no idea what it meant for their
    Taydelaan link. Even now he could feel the way the woman had felt
    in Mitchell’s arms. In his mind he could feel her soft curves, smell her sweet scent. There was no doubt she was their third.
    They just had to find her.

    Their Taydelaan

    Chapter Two

    Nearly three months later…

    Jade woke from yet another erotic dream. She’d somehow
    expected that the dreams would stop while she visited her sister.
    Although, considering the fact that she’d packed her vibrator, even
    she hadn’t really believed that.
    Her nights were becoming increasingly disrupted by unfulfilled
    lust, and she was beginning to wonder if it was her brain trying to tell her that her biological clock was ticking. She pushed herself into a
    sitting position and ran a hand through her hair, trying to loosen the knots her thrashing about had caused.
    She practically growled when she realized how badly her hand
    was shaking. At this rate she was never going to

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