Their Forever Home

Their Forever Home by Marla Monroe

Book: Their Forever Home by Marla Monroe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marla Monroe
Tags: Inc., Siren-BookStrand
wasn’t so sure it was going to work out after all.
    Lance leaned over and gently placed a kiss on each corner of her mouth then the center of her mouth before he ran his tongue along the seam, coaxing her to open for him. She was eager to find out what flavor of kisser he was. His initial gentleness seemed to evaporate once his tongue breached her lips. Where Carver had conquered her using his mouth as the weapon, Lance moved in and swept her off her feet, storming through her until everything else just ceased to exist in that moment.
    When Lance drew back, Vella opened her eyes, still in a bit of a daze, and looked over at Carver then back at Lance.
    “I want this, guys. You’ve been great to me, and not once have either of you tried to talk me into fooling around with you. You have no idea how much I appreciate that. I also like that you’re honest with me. I hate it when people lie to me to get what they want.” She stopped and decided to go head-first. “Carver. Are you going to be okay with the relationship? If not, we need to stop now. I can’t go down this road if it ends in disaster. I’ve had enough to last me two lifetimes.”
    Lance squeezed her hand, drawing her gaze back toward him. She could see worry in his eyes, telling her that he’d noticed the same thing she had. Fear that Carver wouldn’t be able to handle not being the only man in her life sent her heart into a fast gallop even as her lungs seemed to try and shut down.
    “Carver?” Lance asked.
    “I won’t lie. It’s going to be hard to deal with, but Vella already means a lot to me. She’s the first woman I’ve been around in a long time who didn’t completely freak out the first time she saw me. On top of that, she seems to get me—really get me. I miss my family being around me, knowing we’ve all got each other’s backs when things are rough. I want that again. If that means sharing you with Lance, well, I’ll do it.” Carver ran a hand through his hair, his face a mask of indifference, as if whatever she decided would be fine with him.
    Vella knew he wasn’t going to be okay with it if she decided she didn’t want to be with them. She was unsure if she could trust Carver to hold up his promise to be fine with the sharing, yet he’d been a man of his word so far.
    Thinking back to when he’d talked a little about his life before, Vella remembered that one of the things he seemed most upset about was losing his “brothers,” as he’d called them, the other members of his club. He’d talked like they were his family and they would always be there for each other. She was sure he didn’t enjoy being alone now and wanted a family again. She could give him that if he would only accept Lance.
    She looked at Lance then Carver. “Carver. Lance and I will be your family if you let us. It’s going to take some work, but anything worth having is worth the effort it takes to make it happen. You’re going to have to tone down the possessiveness, and Lance and I are going to have to be patient with you. I understand that. Part of why I’m so drawn to you is that you are strong and your no-nonsense attitude. I know that you and Lance will keep me safe. I know that you won’t give up. That’s important to me.”
    She looked back at Lance. His handsome face smiled back at her with an edge of uncertainty. He didn’t think Carver could handle it either. Vella struggled to figure out what to do. She wanted them both, and that was the safest way to live with so many of the bondsmen and black market scavengers out there just waiting to find a female without someone to protect her.
    “Lance. I love your smile and the way you’re always making the best of every situation no matter how difficult it seems. You’re flexible, which is something we’re all going to need to be while we get used to each other. I love how you are so careful with me. I know that you won’t hurt me.” She looked over at Carver again. “Neither of you would

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