Their Ex's Redrock Serial Bundle 1-4
her shop at six, late because of a last-minute funeral arrangement order that had to go out in the morning. When she walked back in Rowdie’s office she was surprised to see Finn still there.
    “A long two hours, Chiquita,” Finn said, coming around the counter. He had on faded denims that fit him really well, a tucked-in wife-beater tee that showcased his dense shoulders and arm muscles, plus a chain hanging from one pocket to another.
    Tess tilted her head ... or was the chain coming back out of the same pocket.
    “You like my ass?” Finn asked as he grabbed the box she was carrying out of her hands.
    Tess blushed, but quipped, “You show it off, girl’s going to look.”
    He seemed okay with that as he went on to a new subject. “How much shit you have to bring in?”
    She got mesmerized in his green eyes for a second, then mumbled, “Couple boxes and suitcases. But I can handle them.”
    Tess blinked, now watching his mouth. “What?”
    “Sit your cute ass down ... take a load off, I will get them,” Finn replied in the form of an order, then he waited to see her reaction.
    Tess got it right then ... maybe before she kind of knew, but then she knew for sure. Finn was flirting with her and she didn’t think a man like him flirted lightly.
    She liked being flirted with so she flirted back. “But if I help you, and follow you in, I get to see your butt in those jeans.” Warmth spread through her at her boldness.
    She could tell Finn liked that as he swung her really big box up on his shoulder, bulging a lot of his muscles and making her feel twittery. “So watch,” he said, nodding to the sitting area side of the lobby. “From over there, I got a beer out for you.”
    Tess looked over and saw a six-pack of beer sitting on the central table—she couldn’t think what to say that wouldn’t make her cry so she asked out of nowhere, “Don’t you ever stop working? You’re always here.”
    He chuckled and started walking toward the counter, then beyond it. “Helps on a vacation,” he said over his shoulder.
    Then Tess went to grab a beer, and sit just right, so she could watch Finn bringing in her things. It was a very nice event, she thought, wishing she could see more of his tattoos and where they went under his shirt.
    After Finn finished bringing all her stuff in, there commenced the kickback-with-Finn time, while drinking beer on an empty stomach. Which led to telling deep secrets on both sides ... which surprised her that Finn let her in.
    “She didn’t make it twenty minutes,” Finn said of his wife doing another man right there at her husband’s dive motel. “That woman’s frigid.”
    Tess leaned against his shoulder—they were sitting side by side on the small couch with their feet up on the center table. Her knees were bent up, his stretched out and crossed at the ankle.
    “Sorry,” she murmured. “They should make that a marriage vow, ‘must faithfully give sex to your partner until death do you part.’”
    Finn’s big hand, knuckle side, found the side of her hip for a light touch and she realized she was sitting with her legs up, skirt on. Oops. At least no one had come in to rent a room. Immediately, she put her legs down.
    “Damn, I almost got to see what color panties.”
    She did blush then, with her gaze swinging to Finn; he looked very interested. “Finn, I’m not ready ...” No, that wasn’t it. “Finn, I can’t right ...” Nope. “Finn, I—”
    “Babe,” he said, stopping her. “I’m getting you’re being jerked around and your head’s messed up. Just want to get my bid in there.” Her eyes widened as heat spread through her. “But, Chiquita, you keep looking at me like that ... I might have to take a kiss to taste.”
    Now her lips parted as she tried to not look at him like that, while really wondering what it would be like to kiss him.
    “Damn it,” he cussed with a low rumble, looking over her face, then he abruptly sat forward, putting

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