The Zombie Plagues: The Story Of Billy and Beth

The Zombie Plagues: The Story Of Billy and Beth by George Dell

Book: The Zombie Plagues: The Story Of Billy and Beth by George Dell Read Free Book Online
Authors: George Dell
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back off. I had to wire it direct. Maybe some safety feature so it wouldn't completely run out. I had to fill the tank from fifty five gallon drums, that was a bitch, but once I cut out the safety, filled her up, she started and stayed running. We're down to a quarter tank though... No more fuel oil... So I'm glad you're back.”
    Beth upended the cup and drained it. It was amazing how good the water could make her feel. Like new life and strength being poured into her. Billy bought her another and then another before she sat back into the chair. Her eyes fell on a vending machine with crackers, cookies and bagged chips. The door was ajar. Billy followed her eyes.
    He laughed. “Cookies, crackers, chips?” He asked.
    “Yeah,” Beth said. Hunger had suddenly leapt up in her stomach. She was starved. Billy came back with a couple of packs of each and she ate greedily as he talked.
    “Maps out in the garage. I can't tell exactly where we are though. Somewhere to the southwest of Gold Canyon is my guess. I didn't see anything here with an address on it, letterhead, no signs on the trucks. Nice trucks though, so it made money, whatever it was.”
    “I'm going by where I think we are. I know we crossed over water before we got here, a bridge across a viaduct, at least it looked that way in the dark. But we didn't cross a highway, and 60 is right there, couldn't have missed it. Of course we could be a little farther north or a little more south. But even so we have to hit 60 it's right there, so I'm pretty sure the next thing up is going to be 60.”
    Beth said nothing, the food was like heaven, but the crackers were a little dry so Billy left and came back with a cup of water and a Coke. The Coke was also cold. She nearly drained it in one pull. It was like her body was bent on a mission of replenishing itself in one setting. She made herself stop. “Good, but I don't want to get sick.” She said to Billy's raised eyebrows.
    He nodded.
    “Any dead... At night? In here when you got here?”
    “One dude... Took himself out in the office.” He motioned through the glass. “Put him outside. Turned black in the sun in a day or so.” He stopped and cleared his throat, left and came back with a Coke for each of them. “None of the others. Not one. Nights are quiet... Truck runs good. I gassed it up, swapped better tires onto it too from the rack in the garage. Pretty easy to do. Extra gas cans, oil, a shit load of those blankets.” He paused for a second.
    “What,” Beth asked.
    “The nights... Days... It's been a blur,” he looked up toward the ceiling, confused. “I don't know, it seemed like there was no day when there should have been... Like the night lasted a long time... Some earthquakes to, I think they were earthquakes at least. Sick... My stomach felt like it came unglued it was so bad.”He took a breath and smiled. “Rained like crazy and then I swear it snowed... It was like a blur,” He shrugged. “Like I said.”
    Beth just looked at him. “You were tired.”
    Billy smiled. “That's what I said... I said...” He looked at the ceiling again. “I said it was being tired... confused,” Billy agreed.
    “You look... Clean. ” She had looked down a few seconds before at her gore stained bra and jeans. She'd been in these clothes for far too long.
    “Shower in the back. Hot water too once I got the electric on.”
    “Christ, and I'm sitting here talking?” She stood from the chair, found her stomach did not intend to give her a hard time and turned to Billy. “Clothes?”
    “Sure... I... I don't know if...” He turned red.
    “Yeah,” Beth said. She laughed. “No bra, panties?”
    “Right,” Billy agreed.
    “Well I don't care if it's boxers, a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Clean clothes, Billy” She looked around her... Soap... A towel... That's it. Where is it?”
    “Um. Right here,” Billy said as he stepped to the door and pushed it open for her.
    Billy returned to the lunch room a few

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