The Zombie Chronicles - Book 2 (Apocalypse Infection Unleashed Series)
gloves from her pocket and grabbed the flyers from me. “The woman had a scratch, and she touched these. They’re contaminated, and I have to confiscate them, if you don’t mind.”
    “ A scratch? But that’s not how the virus works,” Nick said.
    If the nurse really thought they were contaminated, I had no doubt she’d be ushering me into some kind of decontamination area, because I had touched the flyers. I didn’t believe her for a minute.
    The pseudo nurse scowled , lines creasing her forehead. “If you don’t agree with our protocol, you’re more than welcome to leave.”
    Nick shook his head. “No, I—”
    Lucas cut him off before he could say anything to make matters worse. “Protecting Kingsville residents is very admirable. She had a scratch, and you shouldn’t take any unnecessary risks.”
    “ Absolutely. Let’s get started, shall we?” asked the nurse, handing Lucas a form with “Kingsville” on top in big, bold letters. “Please state why you’re here and answer all the questions. While each one of you fills that out, my other colleague and I will start the exams. Who wants to go first?”
    I raised my hand. “I guess I will.”

Chapter 15
    The nurse handed me a blue gown and led me to a small exam room, where she asked me dozens of questions. After writing everything down, she gave me time to change. She listened to my heart and lungs, like the typical physical in a doctor’s office, checking my entire body from head to toe.
    “ There’s a scabbed-over wound on your wrist,” the nurse said. “What happened?”
    I touched the area, and it didn’t hurt one bit. “I fell into a hole, and a piece of concrete fell on me. It’s not a bite. I can promise you that. ”
    “ I know. Zombie bites don’t scab over. They fester into seeping wounds.”
    Val’s wound came to mind, because that was exactly what had happened to her. At least in that, the nurse was telling the truth. I decided it best to casually slip in Tahoe’s name. Like us, he would have had to go to the clinic for an exam before entering the city. “Have you been busy? I bet you get a lot of visitors wanting sanctuary in your awesome town,” I said, doing my best to suck up to her.
    “ Nobody in three days,” she said.
    “ My friend Tahoe’s supposed to meet us here today. He has a big, fluffy beard and brown hair. You can’t miss him. Plus, he was hurt, so I think he’d need antibiotics and fresh bandages.”
    “ Hmm. Nobody with that description has checked into the clinic.”
    I bit my lip. “Are you sure?”
    “ Of course. Who could forget a name like Tahoe?”
    Dead end. How did Tahoe get in without going through the clinic? I wondered. Maybe he has connections in the military, or did he elude security and hop the fence? My guess was that he slithered in like the snake he was, the scamming backstabber.
    The nurse picked up her clipboard and looked at me. “Just a few more questions and we’ll be done. Let’s see… Do you have any family or friends around here?”
    “ No. Our helicopter crashed, and we’re just trying to get back home to Ohio.”
    “ Does anybody know you’re here?”
    “ How could they? It’s not like I could just phone home. What kind of question is that anyway?”
    “ It’s a new protocol, that’s all. Nothing to be alarmed about.”
    Warning bells rang in my ears. The soldiers had asked us the very same question. Why? Why did I tell her nobody knows we’re here? What am I thinking? And, furthermore, why do they care? That right there should have been my cue to hightail it out of there, because something sure seemed off. She continued asking questions that made no sense, giving off more and more bad vibes. I wanted to run away, but knew I couldn’t .
    The nurse’s smile suddenly faded, and she held her head.
    “ Are you okay?” I asked.
    She waved a dismissive hand at me. “Just another migraine.” She pulled a white bottle out of her pocket and

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