The Yellow Pill

The Yellow Pill by Michelle Chaves

Book: The Yellow Pill by Michelle Chaves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Chaves
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wasn’t her enemy.
was clenching his hands, knuckles white.
looked off at nothing. His rumbling voice vibrating slightly
through the ground and into Frey’s chest. “Jon. Didn’t Stanly tell us
that the pill production going to Dome now make up more than half the total
product export in the whole factory?”
looked at his big friend. “He did… That mean they use those pills in Hole.”
was lost. “Stanly’s another Intel I’m guessing?”
work at Base, where pills are manufactured. All pill production is done there.”
shook her head in disbelief. “So this guy has a physical access to the pills?”
nodded. “He works on ground level on both floors, meaning he’s physically
walking around among the machinery, making sure they are all in order.”
wasn’t surprised. “Would he be able to… alter the pills? Change something on
them?” She asked.
mean like the color?” Jon asked her.
the color, I was thinking something else.”
should be able to adjust the information as he wants. No one’s looking over his
shoulder. The government seems to think the fewer who are involved, the
better,” Luke said. “What was it you were thinking about changing?”
memory of little Tim was still all too clear in her mind. His body shaking,
blood running down his nose and ears, splattering on the floor, the man calmly
walking out even though he had just murdered a child…
could have been the next one in that chair, having no idea that his blood had
just spilled over the floor, no idea that she was about meet the same fate.
that hadn’t happened. She had escaped, she had managed
to get out. For the first time things felt possible. Slum City was like one of
the broken buildings, fighting gravity but ready to crack and collapse at any
minute. All they needed was a push…
want him to add a barcode on every pill.”
Jon said.
were used on products before,” Luke explained.
people know the Yellow Pill inside out in Hole. Anny changes will be noticed.”
Frey didn’t know how people would react to the Yellow Pill suddenly looking
like a product, but hoped it would rattle the place well enough that the
bottled suppression would finally burst open, collapsing the walls that kept
the people from questioning.
elevator doors opened and Frey bent over from the weight of Luke’s hand on her
the best idea I have heard in a good while.”
grinned at her, like Jin used to. “It is,” he agreed.
the time the pills leave the Base they’re packed. And all the work is done by
machinery, so if anyone in Base or Dome would notice, the pills would already
be in Hole and it would be too late for them to stop it,” Jon said.
felt a small tug at the edge of her lips, recognizing it as a smile. It felt
like an eternity since she had smiled last.
it to Luke to get a hold of Stanly.” Jon turned to the big man. “You think we
could get a sample from whatever it is they are sending to Hole? I think it’s
time we found out what’s inside it.”
we have to get a hold of that pill. Can you get a hold of Stanly tonight and
get the branding ready? I’m getting a hold of Joy. She can help us with figuring
out what's inside the drug,” he said while walking backwards towards some
stairs she had not spotted before then.  
followed as Luke updated the others on what had been said.
finally moving forward…

    Jin sat up with a
start. It was cold and he was wet. The broken sunscreen had done little to keep
the dripping of some broken pipe off him, and he swore as he struggled to his
feet, his stiff joints complaining with flashes of pain.
pulled his soaked jacked closer, thrusting his hands under his armpits to try
and keep warm. He knew he had to get moving or he would stay cold until he got
a fever.
clothes clung

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