The Worry Web Site

The Worry Web Site by Jacqueline Wilson Page A

Book: The Worry Web Site by Jacqueline Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqueline Wilson
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had just died.
    One of the boys wrote that he liked one of the girls a lot. That made everyone giggle—and Greg went very pink. Hmm! I wonder who he fancies?
    Someone else went on and on.
Oh boo hoo, it's so sad, I miss my dad, etc, etc.
We all know who
was. At least Samantha can still see her dad when she goes to stay with him and his new girlfriend.
    Well, I see my mum. Sometimes. I have to take my little sister, Hannah, so she can get to know our mum.She left when Hannah was just a baby. Mum had Depression which made her very sad so she cried a lot and then ran off. When she ran off I guess Dad and Hannah and I got Depression too because we all felt very sad and cried a lot as well. It felt very scary when Dad cried so I told him that it was OK.
look after him and Hannah now.
    I do look after both of them. I've been almost like Hannah's mum. When she was a baby I fed her and washed her and dressed her and changed her (yucky, but you have to do it). I cuddled her lots and played peekaboo and do you know something? The very first word she said was
. That's my name.
    She's said millions and millions and millions of words since. She is a total chatterbox. She's in the preschool class at my school and Miss Morgan obviously adores her—though she always gets into trouble for talking. She even talks during Story Time. She doesn't mean to be naughty. She just likes to join in.
    I read to her at bedtime from my special book of fairy tales. She likes “Red Riding Hood” best, especially the wolf bits. “Oh, Grandma, what big teeth you've got,” I say in a teeny tiny Red Riding Hood voice, and then Hannah shrieks, “All the better to EAT YOU ALL UP!” and bounces up out of bed at me, gnashing her teeth. Once she bit me on thenose by accident. She can be a very boisterous baby sister.
favorite fairy tale is “Snow White.” When I read the start of the story out loud and say that Snow White's hair is as black as coal and her skin as white as snow and her lips as red as berries, Hannah always shouts, “
berries!” and stabs at the picture with her finger.
    “That's you, Holly,” she says.
    I wish! I don't look the slightest bit like Snow White. I
got red lips (especially if I've been eating red M&M's) but I often have a red nose too (I get lots of colds). My hair is straggly mouse (though my
are sometimes as black as coal). Snow White is as pretty as a picture.
picture in the book is beautiful, with tiny glass mirrors and red apples all round the border and Snow White herself is wearing a white dress embroidered all over with tiny gold stars. Snow White is small too, not that much bigger than the Seven Dwarves, and she's thin as a pin. I am not pretty. I am as plain as an empty page and a bit on the podgy side too.
    I don't care. I take after my dad. I used to be glad. I used to love my dad
much. Whenever he collects us from the After School Club he always says, “Where are my special girlfriends?” I have always been his Big Grown-up Girlfriend and Hannah hisTeeny Tiny Girlfriend. But now Dad has a real girlfriend. I'm scared she's going to come and live with us and be my stepmother and it's not fair.
    “Yes, it is so fair,” said Hannah. “We
her to be our mother.”
    “No, we've
a mother already. You remember, Hannah,” I said.
    “Not really,” said Hannah.
    We haven't gone on a visit to our mum for quite a while. We
to, but the last time we didn't get on with Mum's new boyfriend, Mike.
    “Oh yes! He shouted and we cried,” said Hannah.
    “You cried. I'm not a baby,” I said.
    “You did so cry, I saw. I don't like that Mike.
our mum,” said Hannah.
    “Yes you do,” I insisted. “No, I like our
mum much, much, much more,” said Hannah.
    You will never guess who this new mum is going to be. Miss Morgan. Yes,
Miss Morgan. Hannah's teacher.
    “I love her to bits,” said Hannah happily.
    Dad loves her to bits too.
    I suppose I used

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