The World of Cherry
I'm just glad she left without too much of a fight. I've had a few altercations with women who get wind of the club from some friend or another and try to enter without proper credentials and created a nasty scene when turned away. Women who are used to getting their way, and have been given every luxury, lose sight of the fact that not every situation can be won by throwing money at it or having a tantrum. Those who want to be a member for all the right reasons are cool with having to go through the process.
    The door to Cherish's office is open, but Kristin is not inside. The key code to enter her office is only known by me and the Boss Lady. Yet again, a glaring reminder that my mind isn't where it should be and the mistakes I made must stop. When I carried Devon out I must not have closed the door behind me, and so, I'll write this one off. Taking a seat, I look up Susan Corcoran's information.  Her membership was n’ t simply forgotten or not renewed, it was suspended.  Suspended.  The only memberships that get revoked or terminated are the ones where Cherish suspects or knows the member went against the terms of the contract. For whatever reason, Susan Corcoran isn't allowed back to the club.
    Kristin's voice interrupts the research ,“ Hey, cutie . ”
    She called m e“ cuti e ” and I giggle like a schoolgirl .“ I can't remember the last time anyone has called me that . ”
    “ Well, you are cute. Totally adorable . ” Kristin's sincerity makes me giddy on top of the blushing. What a mess I am already with her.
    “ You want to sit down ? ”
    “ Am I allowed ? ”
    “ Yes. You're off the clock and on my watch . ”
    “ Are you sure it's okay that I spend the night with you ? ” Kristin sits, looking a bit out of sorts.
    “ Yes, it's fine. Cherry is used to, um , ”
    “ Used to what ? ”
    I almost ruin things for myself with her by admitting too much too soon. She doesn't need to know that I'm her step down and possibly the last step before going out the door completely .“ Listen, it's cool. I wouldn't put you in a weird situation. Don't worry . ”
    “ Okay, good. Do you have booze in your room? Or do I need to stop and buy some ? ”
    Cherish doesn't like the girls under her roof to drink hard liquor. She thinks it makes them sloppy and often times belligerent or overly emotional. Wine and champagne are permitted when the boss approves, otherwise it's a dry house .“ I have a secret stash . ” My confession lights up Kristin's face ,“ Promise not to tell ? ”

CHAPTER 20 – The Gift
    Marina fumbles with the key card, hands trembling, unable to unlock the hotel room door .“ Here , ” Nixie takes the key from Marina with a very affectionate tone saying ,“ Just let it slide in the slot. Don't force it . ” The door opens and a waft of perfumed air is breathed in.
    Nixie holds the door open for Marina, dimming the lighting before the nervous woman enters, having been to this room many times in the past. Creating a mood is most important if Marina is to let Nixie have her, and Cherry had these rooms designed with loving interactions in mind. 
    “ My girlfriends have excellent taste, picking this hotel. I can only imagine how much it cost them. They are notoriously big spenders. I suppose if I was married to a gazillionaire I would be, too . ”
    “ And you're not ? ” Nixie doesn't wait for an invitation to strip down to her bra, panties and silky stockings. She keeps her heels on as well, and kicks her legs up as she lies on the plush bedspread.
    “ Well, I'm married , ” Marina states as she holds her stance. Nixie pats the vacant spot next to her ,“ Yes, you've mentioned that a few times . ”
    Marina pretends not to see the invitation .“ He does very well for himself and takes good care of me, but his money is not disposable and I respect how seriously he takes our finances . ” Marina can hardly get out from her coat. Nixie goes to her for assistance and once the

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