The Worker Prince
looked much more primitive than Davi was used to. In fact, the building itself looked as if it might have been built during the earliest days of the planet’s colonization. A few pictures hung on the cooling unit with magnets and one solitary painting decorated the wall opposite the door. Light came from a single reflector pad in the center of the ceiling, with more leaking through the door and a window along the wall near the table. A single candle at the center of the table flickered from air slipping in through a crack in the door.
    The woman motioned him toward a chair by the table, smiling. “Welcome to our home.”
    Davi nodded, as he took it all in and forced a smile. “Thank you. My name is Captain Xander Rhii. I’m the officer in charge of the Southwest farming district. My friends call me Davi.”
    The woman’s eyes sparkled at hearing his nickname. “It’s so good to see you again Davi. My name is Lura. Can I offer you any refreshment?” Again, she bounced lightly with every word as if she might burst any moment.
    “Thank you, yes. I am thirsty.”
    She opened the cooling unit. “I’m afraid our options are quite limited. I do have some tea and juices.”
    “Anything would be fine, Lura. Surprise me,” Davi said, smiling again.
    She returned with a can of gixi juice and handed it to him.
    As she sat across from him, he popped the lid open and took in the sweet scent. “Mmmm. One of my favorites. It’s been a while, too. Thank you.”
    Lura seemed delighted. “I’m so glad we found something you like. What brings an Alliance officer to our humble courtyard?”
    “I came to find you—either you or the girl who was with you at the barracks,” Davi said as he savored the sweet, smooth taste of the gixi juice.
    “Ah yes, my niece, Nila. Thank you for saving her from that soldier,” Lura said, placing her soft hand over his atop the table as if she couldn’t help herself. “Why us?”
    Davi hesitated a moment, surprised by her forwardness. “Well, I wanted to be sure you were okay after what happened at the barracks. And I wanted to know more about this,” Davi said. Removing his hand from Lura’s, he pulled out his necklace and let it hang down the front of his uniform. “What can you tell me about it? Before the police chased you off, Nila mentioned a family crest?”
    Lura pulled her hand back, staring at the necklace. “There are only a few like it in existence.”
    Davi nodded. “How would my mother have come to have one?”
    “I don’t know. Who’s your mother?” Lura asked with curiosity.
    “I was raised by Princess Miri Rhii, sister to Lord Xalivar,” Davi said.
    At the mention of his uncle’s name, her face turned white and her voice shook. “Legallis? The Royal Family?”
    “Yes,” Davi said as he nodded. He wondered if all workers had the same reaction to the High Lord Councilor’s name. He sipped his juice again as she considered what he’d said.
    “My God, I never imagined,” she said, almost as if talking to herself. “When we sent you away, it was supposed to be Regallis.” Her voice faded as she realized she was speaking her thoughts out loud.
    “Sent me away? What do you mean? Have we met before?”
    Lura stood and walked over to one of the pictures hanging on the cooling unit. She removed the magnet with great care and carried the picture back to the table like a precious treasure, setting it before him. “This is a picture of my husband Sol.”
    Davi looked at the picture. The man staring back at him had light brown hair and tanned skin similar to his own, and the same nose and green eyes that looked back at him in the mirror. My gods! The resemblance is startling. Could this really be? The resemblance was amazing. No wonder Lura had been excited. Anyone who saw the two men together might guess they were related.
    Seeing the look on his face, Lura’s eyes showed her concern. “I’m sorry. I know this must be shocking for you to hear.”
    “No, please.

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