The Witch's Desire

The Witch's Desire by Elle James

Book: The Witch's Desire by Elle James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elle James
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
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fist and slammed it into the vampire’s face, shutting him up before he could say another word.
    â€œYou all have seen what Alexei has been and is still capable of doing as long as he lives,” Katya said. “If not for the human, you would all be dead.”
    Members muttered in disbelief, amazement, chagrin and some even offered thanks.
    The Grand Master clapped his hands and the room grew silent. “We are in agreement, a vampire such as Alexei has committed heinous crimes to humanity and otherkin. The punishment for such crimes is death.”
    Alexei stared hard at the Grand Master, apparently trying to recapture the man’s mind.
    â€œEnough tampering with my mind!” The older man waved his hand.
    Alexei’s face contorted and he cried out, his body twisting and writhing until he exploded into a thousand dust particles, expelled into the air.
    Ursula sagged against a table, her shoulders shaking, tears slipping down her cheeks.
    Demi knew she should go to her and comfort the demon, but she needed to feel Cal’s arms around her.
    He met her halfway, crushing her against his chest.
    She pressed her ear to his chest, his heartbeat matching her own. Then he tipped her chin up and kissed her for a very long time.
    Katya cleared her throat. “If you two are finished. We can leave.”
    Demi glanced around at the curious faces of the council members.
    The Grand Master nodded at them. “We thank you for your help in resolving this matter. We also understand you were due a vacation after delivering Ms. Rusu to our custody. The council has the penthouse suite at the most luxurious hotel in the city. You two may use it for the duration of your stay.”
    â€œHear that?” Demi laughed. “A real hotel and a real vacation.”
    â€œAll we have to do is get there.”
    â€œWe have that arranged as well.” The Grand Master nodded and Joe the tow truck driver entered the room. “Joe will take you where you need to go.”
    Demi kissed Cal and turned to Katya and Blaise. “Thank you both. We wouldn’t be alive now without your help.”
    â€œLikewise.” Katya stuck out her hand. “And you thought you weren’t of much use to us paranorms.” She laughed. “We could use people like you at the Fifth Precinct.”
    Cal pulled Demi against him. “Would you like that?”
    Demi shook her head, smiling. “As much fun as we had here, I think we’re needed more back in Chicago. I want to help the people of my hometown—no, I
to help them. There are far too many bad guys in this world to leave it to just anyone.” She winked at Cal. “Ready?”
    He gazed at her hungrily. “I’m way past that point, sweetheart.”
    â€œThen let’s get started on that vacation before the city is blown away.”
    They left the Paranormal Council arm in arm, walking out in the rain.
    The cold rain did nothing to cool Demi’s rising heat and anticipation. “You think we’ll actually make it to the hotel?” she asked, snuggling close to her handsome cop.
    â€œWe will, even if we have to swim to get there.”
    The tow truck stood at the curb, Joe behind the wheel. “Get in!”
    Laughing, Demi climbed aboard, Cal sliding in next to her. “You waited for us.”
    â€œDarned right I did. This should be a limousine for all you two have done for the city.”
    Demi grinned at him. “I much prefer this rig. I swear it has water wings.”
    Sitting high and dry inside the cab of the tow truck, Demi hugged Cal’s arm all the way back to the fancy hotel where they were escorted to their suite on top of the world.
    Once the bellboy left, Demi sighed. “Alone at last. Too bad our luggage didn’t make it with us. I’d planned on wearing that green number I wore the other night.”
    Cal stalked toward her, his eyes gleaming dangerously. “We don’t need

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