The Witching Moon: The Witches of Redwood Falls - Book 1
Chapter 1

    “Are you sure you want to go through with
    Poppy braced herself for what was coming.
Since Drake had found out about the prophecy, he asked her the same
question each month.
    "As I told you before, it's not a choice I
have to make. You can’t choose to follow prophecy or not. It just
happens. There's no getting away from it. You can't run from
    He reached out, gripping her hands across
the gently weathered table. "I just don't want to
see you get hurt. It could be anyone. Your worst enemy. Would it
    "Would what matter?"
    "That your soul mate is your worst
    She arched a brow. Again,
he wasn't saying anything new. But he was genuinely worried about
her so she humored him. "That's not going
to happen."
    " You don't know that."
    "It doesn’t work like that. Besides, I don't
think Alex Schmidt meets the qualifications."
    His eyes narrowed. "I'm serious, Poppy. And your elementary school
bully doesn't live here anymore."
    In times like these, her heart ached.
Besides her family, he was the one constant in her life, had always
been there for her. But the prophecy she'd been given as a child
was not something she could shake. She felt it, knew it deep down
in her bones, that it was true.
    It was fate. There was a man out there,
someone who held magic just like her, someone that she was destined
to be with, and she would meet him tomorrow. As much as she wanted
him to be, Drake wasn’t that man.
    "I don't want anything to happen to you."
His eyes searched hers. "You mean too much to me."
    She slid out of her seat, slowly walking
over to him before she wrapped her arms around him from behind his
chair. “Everything will work out.”
    “How do you know?”
    “Fate hasn’t let me down so far.”
    “Poppy…” He loosened her grip before pulling
her to his side. He searched her face, but she didn’t know what he
hoped to find. After releasing her, his shoulders slumped.
    “What is it?”
    “Nothing.” His shrugged. “I just… hope it
works out for you the way you want it to.”
    “It will.” Her answer was firm, confident.
She could either be uncertain about what to expect and dread it, or
embrace it. She’d decided to embrace it.
    It wasn’t always easy. Especially in moments
like these. She’d never felt closer to anyone than Drake. But they
weren’t meant for each other. Not like that. The prophecy was
specific, and it clearly stated that her mate would have magic.
    Drake didn’t.
    It was hard enough seeing him every day.
Hard enough keeping an emotional distance, keeping it purely
platonic. Heaven knew how many times she’d thought of being with
him. Of touching him, of kissing him.
    Deep breath. She focused on her center, clearing out all
thoughts like cobwebs. There was only one place where those
thoughts led, and it was dangerous to go there.
    “I hope so.”
    She forced a smile for his sake. He worried
about her. Honestly, she was worried too. She just had to trust. It
was the only thing left she could do. “We’ll see what tomorrow
brings,” she said, sitting back in her chair.
    “Since it’s Halloween… any plans for the day
time? You know, before you meet Prince Charming?”
    She kicked his foot under the table. “Oh, I
don’t know. I don’t think I’m up for much. Just putting the
finishing touching on things, I guess.”
    “Want a hand?”
    She knew she should say no. What was the
point in torturing herself with someone she couldn’t have? “Yes.
I’d like that. I could use a friendly face.”
    “You’ll always have one.”
    His words, spoken like a promise played
through her head until he left. Closing the door, she sunk to her
knees, curling in toward herself, her arms wrapping around her
waist. Why was fate so cruel?

    Halloween morning dawned as formidable as
Drake’s mood. Thunder and lightning pounded the earth as the wind
taunted the forest. Leaves scattered the floors, their fall jewel
colors signaling the Beaver

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