The White Werewolf's Love (Interracial Shifter Romance BWWM Paranormal)

The White Werewolf's Love (Interracial Shifter Romance BWWM Paranormal) by R S Holloway

Book: The White Werewolf's Love (Interracial Shifter Romance BWWM Paranormal) by R S Holloway Read Free Book Online
Authors: R S Holloway
    Wes snuck outside his room, tiptoeing in the dark. The floor was heavily carpeted, but that didn't stop him from trying to be as quite as he could. He peaked inside the single guest bedroom in the penthouse at the blonde haired teenager sleeping inside. She was curled up in the fetal position, and her breathing was shallow. He suspected she was asleep. He hurried back to the room where Lucy waited, modeling a black lace teddy, her back propped up on the cushioned head board, legs spread and waiting for him.
                  He needed no further invitation; he dove onto the bed, provoking giggles from her, and held her hips with both his hands. He closed his eyes and inhaled her, getting swept away in her feminine warmth. He could feel her already trembling as he licked her clit ever so gently, running his tongue along the surface. He tugged on it now with his lips and alternated between tugging and licking until he could hear her breathing intensify. He used his tongue to make a trail to her love cavern, and dipped it inside and soaked his tongue in her juices that had already begun to flow. The taste of her almost drove him wild and he squeezed her into him as his tongue darted in and out of her in rapid succession. He could not get enough, and now Lucy was gripping his hair and her hips danced out of control he had to hold tighter to keep her steady. He got up and knelt in front of her, and his now erect member shot out. She raised herself onto he elbows now and enveloped it with her warm pink enclave. She loved how salty sweet he tasted and she now reached out and gripped him as she covered him with salivary juices. She stroked him as he disappeared inside her mouth at regular intervals and now Wes had to reach out and press his palms to the wall before he lost all motor skills temporarily. He began to stroke slowly, and her head bobbed as she received him each time. He began to stroke faster now, barely breathing when she gripped him tighter with her fist. He couldn’t control it any longer and in a moment’s notice sprayed white rain all in her mouth. She held onto him all the way, causing him to collapse onto the bed, spent.
                  She reached out and pulled some Kleenex from a box that had made the night table its permanent home. As much as she loved pleasing her man, she didn't want to swallow all of his fluids. Lucy emptied the product of Wes' affection onto a roughly scrunched tissue before heading to the bathroom to wash her face entirely. When she got back to the bed he was already decked in his pajama bottom and a smile. He held his arm out for her and she nestled there, resting comfortably atop his beating heart.
                  “Do you think she likes it here?” she asked him.
                  He thought about that for a few seconds. “I would think so. She isn’t moping around, even though at times I have seen her in moments of silence,” he responded.
                  “That is expected I guess. She lost her father only two weeks ago, and even though they weren’t close, he was still her father. She has had to leave her family home and she had no one else but a bunch of strangers to reach out to. I would say under the circumstances, she is doing extremely well,” Lucy pointed out.
                  Wes raked his hand through his mane of black hair. “I suppose you are right. It is kind of odd though,” he said.
                  “What is?” she asked.
                  “For years I have been dodging Derek-planning on killing him even. Never did I dream that I would have his daughter here with me under my roof. I wonder how he would feel about that.”
                  “Well I am glad he won’t get to find out. I don’t think he would take very kindly to it.”
                  Just then Wes detected a slight movement, and gently rolled Lucy from his

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