The Werevamp Diaries: Moon Beam Dream (The Lynlee Lincoln Series Book 5)

The Werevamp Diaries: Moon Beam Dream (The Lynlee Lincoln Series Book 5) by Olivia Hardin

Book: The Werevamp Diaries: Moon Beam Dream (The Lynlee Lincoln Series Book 5) by Olivia Hardin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Olivia Hardin
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    R hiannon had her hands on her hips, head cocked to the side as she listened to her boyfriend tell her that he was a badass.  They were in Beck and Lynlee’s kitchen, waiting for her BFF to get back so that she could begin her curse-breaking spell.  Sandy was doing his best to derail Rhiannon’s secret plan to keep him out of danger.
    “I know you just can’t seem to bring yourself to believe it, but I have been in battle before.  Have I told you how I took down two gryphons during my training?  Do you know how fierce they are?  I am more than qualified, and it just doesn’t make any sense for me to be hundreds of miles away while this is going down.  The least I can do is keep watch, close to Beck and the kids.”
    It hadn’t been that long ago that Sandy had been beat to a pulp by a dark witch and her partner.  Rhia was relatively sure tonight’s fight would see them facing an even more dangerous foe.  “Sandy, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing.  Tig says that by putting you at the safe location, you can help them get to safety if they need it.  I mean, what if these baddies somehow try to follow them through the door?  You have to be there to help them.”
    He gritted his teeth and drew back, a look of disdain on his face.  She blushed a little as she wondered if he might be aware of her little subterfuge.  Tig Durhnam, Lynlee’s former boss, had done a great job of trying to convince Sandy that he could best serve them on the other side of his magical door.  It seemed her boyfriend wasn’t entirely persuaded.
    “Babe,” she pleaded, reaching out and putting her hands on his forearms. “Do you know how long Tig’s been around?  He’s been a Neutralizer for probably longer than we’ve been walking this earth.  He knows what he’s talking about.  Let’s trust him.  Besides, I have to be at my best, not worrying about you deviating from the plan we already agreed on.”
    “Let’s be fair.  I agreed to nothing.”
    She dropped her head and smiled up at him with hooded eyes.  He inhaled a long breath and nodded.  “All right.” He pulled her close, both arms squeezing her so tightly she squealed a little.  Maybe he was stronger than she thought.
    “Break it up.”
    They pulled apart to find Lynlee watching them, a feigned look of disgust on her face. 
    “Hey! Did you get them?” Rhia asked, her tone as serious as the look on her face.
    “Yep, got ‘em.  You guys ready?”
    “Tig wants me on the other side of the door.  If you think that’s best, that’s what I’ll do.  But I can fight just as well here as I can there.”
    Rhiannon drew a hand up to her forehead and shook her head.  Her man was just determined to find a way to get out of waiting on the other side of Tig’s magical door.
    “No, let’s go with Tig’s instincts.  I want to be sure Beck and the kids stay as safe as possible.”
    Sandy melted into sand and disappeared.  Moving into the back of the kitchen, Rhiannon slowly removed her clothing, folding each article and placing it in a neat pile on the floor in front of her.  There were some candy bars in a jar beside the sink, and she grabbed up three of them.  Ripping off the wrapper, she stuffed them all into her mouth.  Once swallowed, she knelt down on the cold tile and willed her body to begin shifting.  The magic burned from the pit of her belly, coursing through her veins.  Her bones and muscles lengthened and distorted even as masses of light brown hair grew all over her body.
    “Guess that means you’re really ready,” Lynlee said.
    Rhiannon inclined her wolf’s head, carefully picked up her clothes with her mouth and followed her friend into the night.  While Lynlee and her protégé Rolayna worked the spell, Rhiannon kept a close watch on the tree line, knowing that the attackers would come from that direction.  She panted as she paced, her hot breath disturbing the ground in front of her as she sniffed for

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