The Ways of Mages: Starfire

The Ways of Mages: Starfire by Catherine Beery Page A

Book: The Ways of Mages: Starfire by Catherine Beery Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Beery
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asked surprised.
    “ Yo u’ re healed now .” Kadrean reiterated .“ Your leg should n’ t bother you anymore. Or it should n’ t if I am worth anything . ”
    “ You are worth much, Kadrean .” Razyan said, observing Lia m’ s leg .“ Did you at least leave him a scar for the ladies ? ”
    Kadrean smiled modestly .“ A small one . ”
    Liam stood hesitantly. Slowly, he settled his full weight on the limb. Emotions walked across the stage of his face. First skepticism, then surprise, then shock, then finally amazement as all his weight was held by the leg .“ Unbelievable .” He whispered. Wide hazel eyes appraised Kadrean .“ It is probably a stupid thing to ask, please forgive me, but how can this be ? ”
    “ As you said earlier, Kadrean is a mage. Did you not believe what you were saying ?” Zeeve answered.
    “ I do .” Liam responded with feeling.
    “ Now, maybe people will respect you .” Zeeve told Liam.
    Liam snorted .“ You have n’ t been here long, Zeeve. Once one loses respect, it is gone .” He returned his gaze to Kadrean .“ I thank you greatly for your help. How can I repay you ? ”
    “ I am a simple man, Liam. A simpl e‘ thank yo u’ and friendship are enough for me . ”
    Zeeve shook his head, muttering under his breath.
    Liam smiled at the little moleci .“ An opportunist, I see .” He looked up at Razyan .“ You know, Terana could have befriended any of the forest creatures and she picks the predator. It just truly dawned on me. I wonde r….” He was silent for a moment, his brow furrowed thoughtfully .“ So, Razyan, if Terana has magic what would you do ?” he asked.
    “ Bring her to the Keep so she can learn to use it .” Razyan said.
    “ What happens if she does n’ t need to learn it, just realize that it is there ?” Liam asked, his voice attentive.
    “ What do you mean ?” Razyan asked Liam. The slight frown upon his face deepened .“ All mages need training to channel their power . ”
    Liam looked past him to the window.  He was silent for a moment before he shrugged .“ I do n’ t know. It is just that she has strange things happen around her that seem like coincidence. Amazing things that I think she does n’ t notice or does n’ t want to think about .” Liam focused back on Razyan .“ Is something wrong Razyan? You loo k… troubled . ”
    Razyan sighed and sat down upon the bed.  “ I do n’ t know .” He said as he buried his head in his hands.  His hands slid down to only cover his mouth. His emerald eyes stared thoughtfully ahead .“ Starfire.. .” He muttered. His arms dropped into his lap as he sighed again .“ Why does that seem so significant ? ”
    “ Could n’ t tell you .” Zeeve commented from the floor.  “ Dream you had last night, a book yo u’ ve read ? ”
    Razyan  glared at him .“ No. Starfire is the translation of Terana. I just ca n’ t remember where I have heard of it befor e … ” Razyan turned to Liam .“ Liam, do you know where Terana usually goes when she is in the woods ? ”
    Liam smiled wanly .“I’ m afraid not. She goes where ever her heart desires . ”
    “ Damn. Well ,” Razyan said coming to a fast conclusion .“ It seems, gentleman, that we must part ways for a time. Zeeve, I want you to go back to Teran a’ s home and wait for her to come back. Kadrean, stay for a few days to help Zeeve. After that, if Terana has magic bring her to the Keep like normal. If she does n’ t, just continue on your way. Liam... .” Razyan shrugged .“ It is not my place to tell you where to go or what to do .” Liam nodded his agreement .“ So I guess this is good bye . ”
    “ Where are you going ?” Kadrean asked.
    “ Back to the Keep. See if I can find where I’ ve heard of Starfire before . ”
    “ Good luck . ”
    Razyan nodded his thanks .“ You too, every one of you. Good bye .” With that, Razyan shifted into a red wing and flew through the window Kadrean held open.
    “ Well that was

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