The Way Home (Chasing #3)

The Way Home (Chasing #3) by Linda Oaks

Book: The Way Home (Chasing #3) by Linda Oaks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Oaks
Tags: General Fiction
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eye, she stepped back wearing a pleased smile and patted my chest.
    What the hell? I wasn’t Hank.
    “Later,” she said. She turned around, walking back to the house as I stood there rendered speechless by the mere touch of her hand and briefest brush of her lips.

    WHEN I ARRIVED back at The Eight Ball, it was just in time to catch the tail end of the lunch rush. All of the tables were full except for a few in the back. Business seemed to be good. A couple guys were taking advantage of the mid-day lull squeezing in a game of pool. By evening, there was not a doubt in my mind that every table here would be seeing some action. From the jukebox in the corner, “ Stand by Me ” softly drifted from the speakers. When Ben E. King hit the chorus, I couldn’t help but hum along with him underneath my breath.
    A woman’s loud, full belly laughter drew my attention. She was wiping her eyes and giggling with her friend. The bartender, a young dark haired guy with a toothy grin, leaned across the bar smiling at the women. Whatever he’d said, it must have been damn funny. You can bet your ass he was working for his tip. He didn’t appear old enough to tend bar. I’d have to pull his employee file. I wouldn’t put it past him to have sweet talked his way around Mavis Davies. He seemed like the type.
    I sidestepped a slim brunette balancing a serving tray. We barely managed to avoid a disaster. “Sorry,” I muttered, and she flashed me a flirty smile before hurrying about her way. My eyes immediately landed on Cecil’s big frame as he burst through the swinging door from the back and came around the bar heading straight toward me.
    “I picked up a urinal at Stanton’s. Can you get the back door for me?”
    “Sure, is Miley all right?” he asked, appearing concerned. “I thought maybe she and Sierra were with you.”
    “Miley needed to rest. I’ve spoken with the Sheriff, and he’s sending out a unit to keep an eye on them. Both are fine. They’re staying at my house.”
    “I know,” he said and the muscles in his face tightened, clueing me in to the fact that he’d already spoken with Miley. I wasn’t surprised. He stared back at me with narrowed beady eyes. I bet it really burned his ass to a crisp knowing that Miley and Sierra were with me. If I had my way, they would stay on Hawk Mountain until that scumbag ex of hers was caught.
    “The urinal?” I reminded him. I didn’t have all day. I wanted to tie up loose ends here and get back home as soon as possible.
    “Oh, I’ll get that door for you,” he said with a wink.
    I tipped my chin at him hiding a smirk and headed outside to pull the truck around. It must suck coming in second place.
    Ten minutes later, I found myself standing at the rear entrance behind the building. Where was Cecil? I tried to hold onto the urinal as I rapped my knuckles hard against the metal door again. Maybe, someone would hear. That fucker was probably in there somewhere laughing his ass off at me. Unexpectedly, my gran’s words hit me square in the face… You never fly too high that your own ass doesn’t bump the ground once in a while.
    The door suddenly swung open, and the brunette waitress from earlier was in the doorway eye fucking me.
    Holy Hell!
    “You coming in?” she asked, giggling obnoxiously.
    She was so damn obvious. I liked a woman to speak her mind in and out of the bedroom, but I didn’t like games nor did I play them.
    “Thanks.” I caught myself rolling my eyes as I carried the box inside. I was extra careful to keep my distance. I didn’t need to encourage her.
    “Men’s restroom?” she asked, closing the door behind me. The smell of her heavy perfume made my eyes water. It was something coconut and floral. She batted her eyelashes and pushed out her chest as she waited for my answer.
    Hell, the box was clearly marked urinal. There was even a picture. I didn’t need this shit, not today.
    “Yeah,” I replied dryly. Then there

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