The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS)

The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS) by D.X. Luc

Book: The Wager- BBW Erotic Curvy Paranormal Romance (TOUCH OF THE GODS) by D.X. Luc Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.X. Luc
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fueled my resolve. Slamming the door to my home, I closed all curtains and set to work on my greatest creation yet.

    Chapter XI
                  The sun had come up, filtering through the curtains like fingers of light. My hands were calloused, bleeding from overwork and my limbs were sore. Regardless, sitting back, I looked over my completed work and smiled with relish. It was the best yet and with it done, I now had to come up with a way to get it to my back-stabbing brother. I could already see his reaction, the very thought making me laugh outright.
                  “Wow, uncle. That's going to piss the big guy off. You must have a death wish, like me.”
                  With a mumbled curse, I quickly covered my project with the throw from my sofa and turned to face the shadow that had silently come into my home.
    Unlike any other godling born of Aphrodite and Ares, Himeros's god form was a mist and taking on a mortal one was very difficult for him. It was said he was that way, because he forever lived in the shadow of his twin, Eros. However, it was later revealed that he was a blanket of lust that covered most mortal souls.
    Now, he drifted before me, ethereal and dark, but not cold. He smelled of the strongest pheromones, a true aphrodisiac that could knock either man or a god to their knees with desire. Like a shade, he wafted close to me and I had to place a shield over my body to keep from being affected by him. I was seriously done with losing my senses, because of a god's powers and was grateful when he took his mortal form, the image fading in and out several times before he stabilized.
                  “Himi! You startled me. What are you doing here?”
                  “I saw you speaking with Wil—I mean, a mortal woman at the museum, and then, there was that commotion at the cafe. Why?” He walked around my side, his black hair pulled back in a queue, while smelling vaguely of sex. His hands glided against the covering, while his eyes shifted from color to color, finally landing on the same hazel color that was Vanessa's. When Himeros glanced up, the sight caused my breath to catch and it was all that I could do to maintain my bearings.
    “You know, you could have knocked, boy. I don't like being surprised, and change your damn eyes!” I guess I was still feeling the pain from yesterday's events, but then again, it could have been him. Yeah, I was in denial big time and instead of taking responsibility for the fact that I really had been the first domino to fall and create this mess, I went on the defensive.
                  He raised a sleek, black brow, his lips twitching in amusement.
    This only made me more annoyed. Growling, I moved between him and my brother's ‘gift’, and crossed my arms, hoping my stern look gave away how I was feeling about his intrusion. It didn't.
                  “Hephaestus, really? You know my eyes only take on the color of that in which the beholder loves. So, back to my original question. What went down with you and pops at the cafe?”
                  “We had a bit of a disagreement. Nothing new between us.”
                  “I hear it's over a woman. I can make her desire you uncle, and all you have to do is ask. I mean, I understand that it may be hard for someone well— like you.” He pointedly stared at my lame leg, the source of my mistreatment in Olympus.
    As if on cue, it started to burn, the aching reminder that I was not perfect like Ares. That even without the bet, I probably lacked any chance with Vanessa. I didn't think I could accept that kind of rejection and suddenly, my idea to get back at the War God now seemed idiotic and pointless.
    Himeros approached me then, placing a hand on my shoulder and giving it a gentle squeeze. It was uncharacteristic of him, to show any emotion other than lust and as I looked up into his

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