The Veredor Chronicles: Book 02 - The Journey West

The Veredor Chronicles: Book 02 - The Journey West by E J Gilmour

Book: The Veredor Chronicles: Book 02 - The Journey West by E J Gilmour Read Free Book Online
Authors: E J Gilmour
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explored t he palace and the city within the wall. Faircastle was a maze of lovely streets and laneways. Each turn presented a pleasant picture. The greatest care had been taken by the townsfolk to keep their city clean and presentable. Probably the most striking feature of the city was the pursuit of architectural excellence. In the evening they returned to the palace. They met with Cassiel and sat in his chambers and watched the sunset.
    ‘Tomorrow will be an important day for us ,’ said Cassiel.
    ‘I only hope that we can convince the Irvarians to send an army to help King Ignis,’ said Stella.
    ‘I’m sure they will seek to do what is best for everyone,’ said Cassiel. ‘These Irvarians are a proud and brave people. They have a natural sense of honour. I believe they will send help to King Ignis if they are able to.’
    ‘And we wi ll finally meet the Fiorian Knights,’ said Eben gladly.
    ‘Many of our ques tions will be answered tomorrow. Let’s hope the answers we receive bring us hope,’ said Cassiel.
    Eben woke early in the morning of the following day. He prepared himself for the council. After breakfast he went to the window and drew the Sword of Light from its scabbard. The morning light reflected off the blade.
    ‘Today we’ll see where the journey is going to take u s,’ he said to himself.
    He sat on a cushioned chair and placed the sword on his lap. For a long time he stared out the window into the distance. Many thoughts and questions passed through his mind. He knew his time was coming. If anyone had any knowledge of what happened to his mother and father they would surely be at the council. He thought that if his mother was the leader of the Fiorians they would surely know what happened to her. A feeling of anticipation swirled in his chest.
    After some time the silence was broken by a sharp knock at the door. He sheathed his sword and walked to the door, unlatching the lock. The door opened and Cassiel walked into his room.
    ‘It is almost time . How do you feel?’ he asked, clapping Eben firmly on the shoulder as he walked by.
    ‘I feel fine .’
    ‘ I will be seated with the Irilians on the far side of the table from you. King Edric has arranged all the people from the west to sit on the western side of the table and those from the east on the eastern side. Because I am now an Irilian apprentice I have been placed to sit with the Irilian Order. You will be seated with Red and Stella near the Scaldonians and Dawnians.’ Cassiel sat down at the table and took and apple from the fruit bowl.
    ‘I have a fe eling we are about to see into the unknown,’ said Eben.
    ‘I don’t doubt it,’ said Cassiel. ‘Remember what Stella said: we’re all in this together. We have travelled a long road. We shall stand by each other until the end.’


    Red, Stella, and Eben entered the Ecorian hall. A large round and polished wooden table had been placed in the centre of the hall. Dozens of beautifully carved wooden chairs surrounded the table, and all but one chair was empty. Seated at the head of the table was an older man with striking features. He had high cheek bones, dark eyes, auburn coloured hair, and a neatly trimmed beard. He was the only person in the hall; all the guards were gone. He stood up as they entered.
    ‘I told you we shouldn’t be early,’ whispered Stella , having realised they were the first to arrive.
    ‘Welcome to the Hall of the Ecorians,’ said the old man in a deep and noble voice. ‘I am King Edric of Irvaria.’
    Eben and Stella followed Red across the marble floor toward the table.
    ‘It is an honour to meet you, King Edric,’ said Red , bowing politely. ‘I am Sir Redding of Ortaria, this is my wife, Lady Stella, and this is Eben, the Champion of Ortaria.’
    ‘I am pleased to have you as guests in my kingdom,’ sa id King Edric. ‘Please take your seats and make yourself comfortable.’ King Edric indicated towards the chairs to his

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