The Veil
were cancerous.”
    â€œOh.” Misha tried to look strong.
    Whose report will you believe? she heard in her spirit.
    â€œAre you okay, Miss Holloway? Is there someone here with you? Miss Holloway.” Dr. Trinidad got up from her seat and shook Misha’s shoulder. “Miss Holloway, can I get you some water?”
    Misha came out of her intense stare and looked directly at the doctor. “What now?”
    â€œWell, we have scheduled you for outpatient surgery. What I would like to do is go in and do a more thorough examination. It’s possible, if the cancer has spread, we may have to do a complete hysterectomy.”
    â€œHysterectomy? You mean I won’t be able to have children?” She placed her hand on her lower abdomen. “I’m only twenty-four years old. I’ve never been married. How can I need a hysterectomy?”
    â€œWell, we don’t know for sure. What we’ll do is go in your naval and use a scope to examine your entire reproductive system, looking for cysts, lesions, or anything that looks unusual. Then, I’ll go in vaginally and look for the same thing. I’ll remove any lesions I see and we will biopsy them to see if they are cancerous and it will tell us if it has spread. If we have to do a hysterectomy, you’ll be hospitalized for a few days.”
    â€œWill I need chemotherapy or radiation treatment? Will I lose my hair?”
    â€œWe haven’t gotten that far yet. Hopefully, since you have regular checkups, we only have a small spot to deal with and none of that will be necessary. Are you sure I can’t get you anything to drink?”
    â€œNo, I’m fine. So when are you going to do the surgery? I’ll have to notify the school. How long will I be out of work?”
    â€œThat depends on if you need a hysterectomy. If we have to do it, you’ll be out about six weeks. If not, maybe a week. We have your surgery scheduled for Monday. You’ll have to be at the hospital at six in the morning. You can’t eat anything after ten Sunday night. The nurse will give you more instructions. You’ll have time to talk with your family. If you want, I can talk to them with you.”
    â€œNo. I can handle it.” She took in a deep breath and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Surgery is Monday? I’ll tell my principal tomorrow after the meeting in the morning. He’ll need a note from you.”
    â€œI will make sure you get what you need. Anything else?”
    Misha shook her head no. She had enough that day. She couldn’t take in anymore. She never would have thought she would be diagnosed with cancer at twenty-four.
    Misha walked out to her car and began to drive around the city. It felt as if her life continued to fall apart. Just as she was getting over Roger and Bishop Moore, then her health got bad. She drove to her grandmother’s house and slowly walked into the house. Tears ran down her cheeks at the first sight of her grandmother.
    â€œMisha, what’s wrong?”
    â€œI got cancer.”
    Her grandmother wrapped her arms around her. “Sit down. Calm down. Tell me ’bout it.”
    Misha told her about the two biopsies and how she was going to have surgery on Monday. Misha cried harder when she told her grandmother she would not be able to have children.
    â€œYou tell your mama?”
    â€œNo, not yet. You know how she is. I need someone positive around me now. I need some intercessors to pray.” She leaned on her grandmother’s shoulder.
    â€œChild, not every sickness leads to death. That’s what the Word say.”
    â€œI know. What if—”
    â€œDon’t say it. You got the power to speak life. Watch what you say. What the Lord tell ya?”
    â€œI’m healed.”
    â€œThen whose report you believe, that doctor or God’s?”
    â€œI believe God.”
    Her grandmother got up and went into the kitchen and returned with her slim

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