The Vampire Pirate's Daughter
room we
attempted to make livable, Amanda is already fast asleep. I sit
down on the chair opposite her and then slowly, as it gets later, I
start easing down toward the uncomfortable cushions, but sleep does
not come.
    Unable to fall asleep, I look through the
window up at the many stars I have not seen in the longest time. I
look for the Southern Cross, despite the fact that I know, you
cannot see it up here in the northern hemisphere at this time of
the year.
    I wake up when Amanda touches my arm softly.
Fleetingly I consider that I had eventually fallen asleep whilst
looking up at the night sky.
    When I open my mouth to ask her what her
problem is, I hear her urgent whispered hush.
    I sit up slowly, frowning, and she sits
down next to me. She whispers, “There is someone here.”
    Quietly I reply, “Can’t be. Maybe it’s
    “Although it sounded like footsteps, I also
thought it was only rats or something in the walls, but a loud
screaming woke me up completely.”
    I stand up and take her by the hand, but she
pulls me back determinedly.
    I hiss softly, “This house belongs to me and
I am going to see what is going on. If there is anybody here, I
will chase them away.”
    Suddenly there is a loud yell from outside
and hurriedly Amanda and I move toward the window.
    I move the curtain aside and the railing
falls from the wall with a loud clang.
    Before terror fills me, I see six men running
across the lawn. Two figures float across the old, broken pond
while another man grabs onto a scared running woman and then I see
that familiar stance as he bends down and hides his face in the
nape of her neck.
    One of the running men stops abruptly and
turns toward the house. Searchingly he looks toward the house and
then he sees me, as Amanda gasps.
    I follow her gaze as the woman, in the arms
of the man who caught her, collapse. He drops her to the floor
without a care and I notice that she is lying deadly still. The
other four men fall over her and I see them ripping her body
    Amanda says softly, “My god, Susie. Go hide.
I do not know if we can defend ourselves against them. They are
    I look back at the man who noticed me and I
see him walking slowly, deliberately toward the house with a smug
grin across his face.
    The moon is bright and I notice his light
colored hair, long enough to touch his shoulders. His shoulders are
broad and strong. He strides with long steps and I am unable to
move away from the window as I stare at him. He mesmerizes me by
the sheer confidence he portrays.
    Amanda turns toward me and it is the first
time ever that I see fear in her eyes. She insists, “Susie.
    Rebelliously I reply, “No! If they attack
you, you will need my help.”
    She still wants to be firm, pushing me toward
the door further away from the main door, when a deep voice
resonates through the room. “What do we have here, uninvited in my
    “My home,” I reply defiantly.
    Across Amanda’s shoulder I see him look at me more
    His eyes move from mine toward the
portrait of my mother over the huge fireplace. He smirks, “My apologies.” He walks closer
toward us and then I see a brief moment of disappointment in his
eyes, when he realizes we are not dinner.
    I hear the other five men come into the house
noisily and when they walk in, I see one hurriedly wiping the blood
from his mouth with the back of his hand. I hear another growl
softly, deep in his throat.
    They immediately take an attacking stance,
but the blonde haired man standing only a few feet away from Amanda
and me, holds his hand up in a cautionary motion.
    Amanda moves in front of me and slowly
deliberately, she nudges me backwards toward the door behind
    The man says, “Forgive my rudeness. If I may
introduce myself, I am Callum Duvereax.”
    He steps forward and Amanda steps back,
pushing me backwards with her body.
    Callum stops and then he turns toward the
five men standing behind him. Smiling

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