The Vampire Legacy; The New Queen Rises

The Vampire Legacy; The New Queen Rises by Dawn Gray

Book: The Vampire Legacy; The New Queen Rises by Dawn Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dawn Gray
Tags: dawn gray, the vampire legacy
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then?" He asked. "Please tell
me, Ash, because it certainly seems that way to me."
    "I don't want your brother, Jules. I want you
and I want my son. And if this is how the rest of the time that I'm
here is going to be, don't bother packing, because I'm leaving." I
grabbed the doorknob and opened the door.
    "What about your son?" Julian asked as I
turned my back to him.
    "I'll find him myself," I told him and
started to walk out the door. I was halfway down the hallway when I
heard his voice again.
    "You'll never find him," he said and this
made me stop. I turned and looked at him from where I stood. "Not
without us."
    "And why not, because I'm a woman or because
I'm not like you?" I asked him. I walked closer to him and stood
right by him. "You don't think I can find my son because I'm just a
mortal and the people who have him are vampires. Let me guess; I
don't stand a chance."
    "No, not really," he said and crossed his
arms. I looked at him angrily and slapped him across the face. He
looked at me, quite stunned and then he smiled. "You think that
hurt, don't you?"
    "You know what, Julian, I don't care if it
did or didn't, because you’re just like the others. You think
you're the world, and if the rest of us don't revolve around you,
than we're just something for you to step on," I told him and
turned around again.
    "This coming from the Queen of 'It's all
about me'." He laughed. I looked at him and smiled.
    "Good-bye, Julian," I said and waved. "Go
back to the hole you crawled out of."
    Before I could move again, he had me backed
up against the wall. Our noses were almost touching, and I could
see his fangs even from that distance. His eyes began to glow red
and his breathing began to race. I remained calm though, never
letting onto the fear that started to grow in my stomach.
    "I could kill you," he whispered through
clenched teeth, letting his vampire side take him over.
    "Go ahead," I replied, and moved my hair out
of the way, exposing my neck to him.
    "You're pushing your luck, Ash," he told me
in a violent voice. I caught his eyes and made no expression, but
all I felt was emptiness. He looked away from my eyes to the skin
on my throat. He looked back at me then quickly lunged at my neck,
his teeth touching my skin. My body shivered from the feel of those
sharp points on the vulnerable skin of my neck.
    "Do it Julian," I told him and raised a hand
to the back of his head, pressing gently to tell him that I was
serious. I felt them pierce my skin, but only the tip. The blood
started to flow even then, and I could almost feel the pain I had
experienced before, as they slowly went in deeper. I closed my
eyes, turned my head a little bit towards him and felt my cheek
touch his skin, and whispered in his ear softly. "Please. Do it
quickly,” I said quietly, as the tears started to flow, “because, I
would rather die than live without you."
    He withdrew from my neck and then, slowly,
looked at me again. Our eyes met, and his eyes lightened as he
looked from my eyes down to my lips, then slowly moved towards me
and kissed me. He was gentle about it, making sure that he didn't
hurt me, but I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to
me, then closed my eyes tightly, hoping that he wouldn't let me

    Julian looked at me as we sat on the bed in
his room facing each other, his face was flush and he had taken his
shirt off to cool down. He reached out and touched my face with his
fingers and then with the palm of his hand. He reached out, touched
my shoulder and neck with the other hand, and sighed as his fingers
glided over the spot where he had almost bit me, where Quinn had
actually done so. He looked me in the eyes and smiled a little.
    "I was a fool for ever doubting your feelings
for me," he said softly. "I should have known better than to think
that you would be with him."
    "It was an odd scene," I replied and smiled
back at him, leaning into the feel of his hand on my face. "I'm
sorry if I made

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