The Vampire Laird (A Ravynne Sisters Paranormal Mystery/Romance)

The Vampire Laird (A Ravynne Sisters Paranormal Mystery/Romance) by Merabeth James

Book: The Vampire Laird (A Ravynne Sisters Paranormal Mystery/Romance) by Merabeth James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Merabeth James
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    Charlie laughed. “You’re right. You should be fine as long as you don’t go poking around this place on your own. You won’t, will you?”
    Meg frowned. “I promise I won’t do anything you wouldn’t want me to do, if you promise to quit bossing me around. For heavens sake! I made one teensy mistake and I’m never allowed to forget it!”
    Not wanting to go where this was heading, Charlie changed the subject. “How about a nice hot shower? There’s probably no lack of hot water in this place!”
    After settling into the enormous Tudor bed, they both tried to read, but without a bedside light on Charlie’s side, and it soon grew too dark for her to see. And Meg was in no mood to concentrate on a book. She was the first to break the silence.
    “I’m not so sure you should go shooting with him tomorrow.”
    “Why not? What better chance will I have to get my hands on a gun short of stealing the one in the library? You can still come with me. It will give you a chance to get in some practice.”
    “You know I hate guns…well …hate may be overstating it. Let’s just say I consider them necessary evils.” Another howl drifted in through the open French doors. “Do you think she’s out there prowling the moors with our baby brother?”
    “I don’t think he looked well enough to prowl anywhere. How about some sleep? It’s been a long day and likely to be even longer tomorrow.”
    “You go ahead. I’m going to try and read for a bit longer,” Meg told her.
    Charlie mumbled, “Good night” then turned on her side and quickly drifted off to sleep. Meg smiled enviously. Charlie could sleep through most anything, though, in all fairness, she awoke just as quickly.
    She turned her attention back to her book, but her eyes soon lost focus and the book dropped from her hands. Turning off the bedside light, she slid under the covers and fell fast asleep.
    The small French mantle clock had just ‘pinged’ midnight, when something woke Meg. She looked around groggily. What was it, she wondered? A noise…a touch? It had to be something…something that had taken her from what promised to be a very good dream. She rubbed her eyes and sat up. Moonlight streamed through the open doors and cut a wide swathe in the darkness at the foot of the bed. The rest of the room was in deep shadow…and quiet…very quiet. Then she heard it. A rustle…a sibilant whisper…a low growl. Something was definitely there and not the good kind of something, she thought, as she poked Charlie hard in the ribs and whispered, “Wake up! We have company and its not the friendly sort!”
    Charlie was awake instantly. Sitting up in bed, she whispered back, “What’s going on? Why don’t you turn on the light?”
    Then they both saw it…or rather…her. It was Orianna dressed in a filmy white gown of another era, her long dark hair writhing like Medusa’s snakes around her white face. Her eyes were enormous…her mouth contorted as she pointed a long bone white finger at them and hissed, “I will come for you.”
    “Like hell you will,” Charlie shouted, as she flung herself off the bed and made a grab for Orianna only to have her arms close around thin air. Meg fumbled for the bedside lamp, but by the time she managed to find its pull chain, Orianna had vanished. Both sisters simply stared at each other, then Meg raked her fingers through her short blonde curls and smiled dryly. “Well, you have to admit…that woman gets around!”
    Charlie returned her smile. “And quickly! Where do you suppose she disappeared to?”
    Meg shrugged and patted the bed next to her. “The question we need to ask first, is how did she get in here? I locked the hall door and the adjoining one to your room. But the French doors are open and if she is a you know what , maybe she came in that way?”
    “So…you think she turned into a bat and flapped her way in? That would be the only way she could make it through that

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