The Unsung Hero

The Unsung Hero by Samantha James

Book: The Unsung Hero by Samantha James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha James
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agent called this morning. There's a movie deal
in the works for Midnight
Enchantment ."
    "A movie deal." She managed a shaky smile.
"That's fantastic."
    Jason shrugged and smiled. "If it goes well,
I should be able to wrap things up in New York after a few days.
Then I'll be stopping off in L.A. to see my attorney." His last
words were distinctly reluctant. A shade of disapproval lingered
just under the surface. "My ex-wife is stirring up trouble
ex-wife . There was barely time to
assimilate the thought. Jason's eyes captured hers in a gaze so
intense, so searching that Samantha felt herself slowly drawn into
the dark void of his eyes. It was like silk sliding slowly,
sensually, deliciously over every inch of her body. A sensation not
unlike fire warmed her skin, quickened her breath.
    "You didn't mean it, you know."
    Her tongue darted out to moisten suddenly dry
lips. Her whisper came haltingly. "What?"
    "What you said about the two of us not being
friends." There was something distinctly sensual in the honeyed
warmth of his voice. "We are, you know, and I'm hoping it won't be
long before it's much more than that."
    Her head whirled giddily. Certainly it was
what she had hoped for—-that and more. But as far as it going any
further... that was her own private fantasy. "Are you? That sounds
almost like a promise." She meant the words to be light and flip.
Instead they sounded breathy and faintly excited, exactly the way
she felt, exactly the way Jason always made her feel.
    "Not a promise, more like a prayer. And I
give you fair warning . . . I'm going to do everything in my power
to see that it happens."
    Still caught in his spell, Samantha laughed a
little shakily and tried to blithely dismiss the remark. "Spoken
like a true hero."
    "Spoken like a man who knows what he
    The quiet intensity of the words almost
shocked her. Much as she longed for it to be otherwise, this verbal
sparring was a game between them . . . or was it? She eyed him
tentatively and caught a glimpse of something almost deadly
serious in the back of his eyes. She hesitated, and her gaze
dropped to the frankly sensual curve of his mouth to find him
smiling slightly.
    "Jason..." Her eyes were unknowingly wide and
uncertain as they locked on his face. "After Los Angeles..." She
took a deep breath and forced herself to speak. "This is goodbye
    His reply was adamant and instantaneous. "Not
on your life." He paused and added softly, "And that is a
    As much a promise as the smoldering look he
gave her before he left, a look that sent her blood pressure
zipping skyward and her heart in undaunted pursuit. Her legs
weren't entirely steady as she finally made her way over to the
mirror, but by the time she reached it she was walking on air. A
slow smile spread across her face as she eyed her reflection. The
grayish-tinged paint wasn't on the end of her nose at all. It was
on her cheeks, her chin, her eyebrows, even her bangs were streaked
with blue-gray. She laughed out loud. She was a sorry sight. She
looked like a child bent on mischief who had tumbled headfirst into
a bucket of paint!
    But for the first time in her life she was
aware of herself, aware of her femininity, aware of her womanhood,
in a way that she had never been before--even with Alan.
    Jason had done this to her, she mused
wonderingly. She'd been charmed, bewitched, captivated and
possessed. And he hadn't laid so much as a finger on her.
    Who but a fantasy man could
do that to a woman? Who but a fantasy man could do that to her ? She grinned rather
wickedly to herself as she made her way back outside. It was like
one of her favorite books come to life . . . the irresistible hero
tamed by a woman's love, but with one tremendous advantage. Jason
Armstrong was real.
    And living right next door.

Chapter 6

    Samantha walked around in a haze the rest of
the afternoon, amazed at the change that had taken place in herself
in the space of an hour. Only that

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