The Uncrowned King

The Uncrowned King by Rowena Cory Daniells

Book: The Uncrowned King by Rowena Cory Daniells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rowena Cory Daniells
Tags: Fantasy
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make haste. A man cried out and fell to his knees at Piro's side, an arrow embedded in his shoulder.
    'They have our range. We're packed so tight, they're aiming upwards and trusting to hit us,' Sawtree muttered. He paused and cast about them looking for something.
    Piro gave a cry of surprise as an object thumped into her back, driving her to her knees.
    'Piro!' Sawtree cried.
    She felt over her shoulder to find an arrow shaft embedded in her travelling pack. A laugh escaped her. 'It's all right. My pack protected me.'
    'Halcyon must be smiling on you.' He grabbed the arrow, pulling it out and hauling her upright. 'Here.' He snatched an abandoned bundle and held it over their heads. 'Walk in front of me, little Piro.'
    His broad shoulders protected her as he manoeuvred her into position and drove her on.
    The tone of the shouting at the gate changed and Piro knew Temor and his men had engaged the enemy. So did everyone around them. Dropping their belongings, they ran. But they were running uphill and the pace could not be maintained. Soon they slowed to a scrambling stagger. All around them people cried out and fell behind as they were hit. Piro stumbled over a body. Only he wasn't dead. Feeling her land on him, he groaned and clutched her, pleading for help.
    Sawtree grabbed her by the back of her bodice, hauling her upright like a kitten.
    'I'm sorry. So sorry,' she told the wounded man, whose eyes fixed on her in a silent plea before Sawtree dragged her off him and drove her on.
    The woman in front of her stopped, looked back and uttered a sharp scream. Piro went to look over her shoulder, but Sawtree drove her on.
    'Don't look back,' he warned. 'The gate's fallen.'
    A moan was torn from Piro. As captain of the guard, Temor had taught her to ride. He'd given Byren and Lence their first wooden swords and taught them basic defence skills when they were six. He'd shared a place at their table and counselled her father for as long as she could remember.
    She heard shouting from the walls of Rolenhold and looked up. They were within bow range of the castle defenders now. Surely their attackers would hold off, but no, even more arrows fell around them. Sawtree gave a grunt and staggered. She glanced down to see an arrow had driven right through his calf.
    'Leave me.' He shoved her away.
    She ducked under his arm and took some of his weight. He cursed her but kept on in an awkward, lurching stagger.
    As they rounded the last bend leading to Rolenhold's gate several men ran out to help the stragglers inside, and the defenders cheered.
    Two men took Sawtree from her.
    Freed of his weight, Piro plunged through the gate on their heels. The long tunnel was dark and crowded, then suddenly she was in the first courtyard which was filled with townsfolk who were being urged to move on. Children cried for their parents. Old folks slumped, too exhausted to move.
    Piro paused to catch her breath and check on Sawtree. The men had propped him against the wall.
    'Are you -' she began.
    'Go.' He thrust her away, glaring across the courtyard.
    She turned to look in the direction of his gaze and her eyes met Cobalt's. He was two body lengths from her, with a dozen people between them. His eyes widened in surprise, then narrowed.
    Sawtree shoved Piro. 'Get away, while you still can.'
    'Out of my way, old woman.' Cobalt shoved through the crowd towards them.
    Piro ducked between two merchants and took to her heels. Being small and not worried who she elbowed, she easily threaded her way through the crowd. Behind her, she heard Cobalt confront Sawtree.
    'Where's Piro?'
    'The kingsdaughter? In Sylion, they say -'
    There was a sharp crack. Piro winced and kept running. She couldn't save Sawtree. How she wished she was big and powerful like Lence and Byren.
    Blending in with the crowd of frightened townsfolk, she was carried further into the castle's maze of courtyards. None of the defenders bothered to question one more dishevelled maid, and none of

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