The Unbreakable Trio

The Unbreakable Trio by Sam Crescent

Book: The Unbreakable Trio by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
Tags: Romance
you,” Liam said. Shane looked ready to do damage.
    Her sister gasped. “Have you been spreading lies about me?” Alice asked. Claire’s grip tightened, and she couldn’t contain the cry of pain.
    “Get your hands off her,” Shane yelled. In seconds, he was by her side and forcing her sister to back off. Her best friends and lovers stood in front of her, protecting her.
    “Claire hasn’t been spreading lies. The fact you can’t keep your legs closed for longer than twenty minutes is the problem,” Liam said. The anger emanated from him. She placed a hand on his back to try to calm him down. No one in Long Mead had ever made a scene quite like this. She couldn’t believe the way her family was behaving.
    “So she is fucking you?” her sister sneered. Claire cringed.
    “Jealous? About a week ago you were telling me how available you were.” She gasped and stared at her sister. Liam and Shane had never been intentionally spiteful. This was a lesson. Their secret was out, and if anyone threatened to hurt her again, they’d have them to deal with.
    “This goes for everyone else. We love Claire, and we’ll take down anyone who wants to hurt her. You’ve got a problem, you answer to us.” The people in the diner went back to their meals.
    Clapping echoed around the room. Claire saw, sitting in the corner, the Walker brothers.
    “Couldn’t have said it better myself. Good for you,” Gary said.
    Shane tipped his head in acknowledgement. He and Liam both grabbed her hand and escorted her out of the place.
    Their unbreakable bond was still in full effect.

    Later that night…
    “I think we should get married,” Liam said, handing the jar of peanut butter to Claire. All three were naked as they stood in the kitchen. The ranch hands had been given a day off and Liam, Shane, and Claire were taking advantage of the situation.
    “Married?” she asked.
    “Yeah. We’re all in love, and nothing is going to change. Plus, we’ve been boning Claire without any condoms. I think we should make a respectable woman out of her.”
    “Boning. Seriously, Liam, when are you going to grow up?”
    “I think it’s a great idea,” Shane said. He took a bite of a sandwich.
    “We won’t be accepted by the town,” she said as a way of an argument.
    “I don’t give a fuck about the town. I only care about our happiness,” Shane told her and kissed her naked shoulder. “Besides, I think Long Mead is in for a few surprises in the coming years. I don’t think the townsfolk will bat an eyelid about our situation.”
    “I agree with the big guy. We’re happy, and you won’t ever go to town on your own. Besides, we’ve got friends who’ll accept us as we are without any demands,” Liam added.
    “Are you sure you want to share me in marriage?”
    Liam wrapped an arm around her waist as Shane gripped her hips and thighs. “Baby, I’m hard just thinking of watching you suck Shane’s cock until he explodes in your mouth. I don’t want him or any other woman. If people call me gay, so what? I’m happy being with you. You’re the woman I love, and Shane is my best friend. Who else would I want to share my life with?”
    He may be a joker, but Liam knew how to say the right words.
    “What about you?” She turned her question to Shane.
    “There has never been any other woman for me. When I close my eyes, all I see is you. It may sound clichéd or whatnot, but who gives a fuck. I love you, and no one is taking that away from me.”
    They may not be accepted by the town, but as long as she had her two men, she didn’t care.
    “Well, I think we’re crazy. You want to make a respectable woman out of me when I’m having sex with two guys. All that says to me is mega slut. But then, most guys aren’t my best friends and I like the idea of being crazy together. I would love to be married to you.”
    Liam kissed her on the lips, and Shane opened her legs wide to kiss her other lips. The fear of the town

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