The Two Towns (The Lakeland Murders)

The Two Towns (The Lakeland Murders) by J. J. Salkeld

Book: The Two Towns (The Lakeland Murders) by J. J. Salkeld Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. J. Salkeld
case every month, without fail.’
    ‘He does, that’s true.’
    ‘Good. So that’s something, isn’t it?’ Sarah turned to look at Jane, who tried to look encouraging. But it didn’t seem to be working.
    ’What? You’re not convinced?’
    ‘It’s not that exactly’ said Jane. ‘But I just don’t think it means much at all, either way. Because if I’d killed someone I was close to and wasn’t nicked for it then I’d want to look keen on finding the killer, and exactly the same goes if I hadn’t. You see what I mean?’
    ‘I suppose you’re right. So what would you do, in my situation?’
    That was the second question that Jane had expected.
    ‘I’m not sure I can help all that much there either, to tell you the truth. I can’t know what you know, and feel what you feel. But if I had any doubts, any doubts at all, then I suppose I’d proceed with caution. And he’s looking to proceed, is he?’
    ‘He’s asked me to move in, yes.’
    ‘And are you going to?’
    ‘I don’t know. But I feel if I hold off then he’ll take that as a sign.’
    ‘Of what? A lack of commitment, or that you actually suspect him of murdering his wife?’
    ‘One or the other, or possibly both. I honestly don’t know.’
    ‘Well, don’t look at me for any advice in that department. I’m on my own, and have been for a few years now.’
    ‘But you’re happy?’
    ‘Compared to what? I suppose I always have doubts about blokes too, Sarah. Maybe that’s just a natural reaction for all of us. Or maybe it’s because of my job. It’s fair to say that you don’t usually see people at their best, when you do what I do. So I don’t think I’m qualified to give any advice at all really.’
    They walked on, until they reached a head-high dry stone wall wall-end where Sarah stopped. ‘Shall we head back?’
    ‘If there’s nothing else that you wanted to ask me then yes, let’s go back.’
    They turned, and started to walk back towards the car park. Open views were of the big Lakeland fells were ahead of them now, and for the first time since she’d arrived Jane was excited about getting to know the area. It was astonishingly beautiful, from horizon to horizon. It wasn’t long before Sarah spoke again.
    ‘So Phil was out for a walk? When it happened, I mean.’
    ‘Yes. That’s right. He was picked up on CCTV at the caravan park entrance on the way in and out, just like he said.’ Jane wondered if there was anything that she could ask Sarah now that might produce any real evidence, but she couldn’t think of a single question. ‘You can call me, anytime’ she said. ‘If there’s anything you want to discuss.’
    ‘Thanks. I will. One other thing, Jane. In cases where a husband has killed and got away with it….’
    ‘Does he do it again?’
    ‘I’d have to look it up to be sure, but in situations where the victim and killer were both socially isolated, maybe physically isolated too, then it’s probably common enough. Patterns of offending behaviour do tend to repeat when they go unpunished, especially if they’re combined with compulsions. But where the first victim was well known to others, with strong social and family connections, then it’s much less likely to happen again I think. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but even without physical evidence I suspect that a court would probably convict someone who had the misfortune to lose two partners in suspicious circumstances. But if that’s really what you’re thinking about, Sarah, then…’
    ‘No, I didn’t say that. I was just asking, that’s all. There’s nothing more to it than curiosity, honestly. Phil’s not a killer. I’d know if he was, wouldn’t I?’
    Jane turned to look at Sarah, but her face was turned towards the mountains.

    Friday, 11th November
    Ian Mann stood, head bowed, next to his desk, and the room fell silent around him. Andy Hall looked up from his desk when he noticed the hush outside,

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