The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales)

The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales) by Derrolyn Anderson Page B

Book: The Turning Tides (Marina's Tales) by Derrolyn Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Derrolyn Anderson
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“I know how much she loved you because I know how much it takes to come back after back after being one of them– it’s nearly impossible. Swimming in the sea makes you forget everything.” I paused to sigh with frustration, “I don’t know exactly how to explain it, but I do know that the only thing stronger than that feeling is love.”
    He turned back to face me, and our eyes locked. It was hard to tell whether he felt regret or gratitude, but for the first time in a long while, I felt like he really saw me.
    “You’ve been through a lot this past year.”
    I smiled through my tears, “I think we both have.”
    I bent to press my cheek against his, “Get some rest.”
    I straightened up and went to my room, sitting on the edge of my bed and dropping my head into my hands. So my mother came ashore to have me as a final selfless act, offering me up as a gift to him. I could understand why he never wanted to bring her up. I was starting to feel guilty simply for being born.
    I took a deep breath and stiffened my spine. I would pay her back. I was born with unique skills, and now I’d been presented with an opportunity to put them to use. I clenched my fists with determination.
    I would make my life worthy of my mother’s sacrifice. I would keep working to protect my sisters– her sisters. I would throw a monkey wrench into Edwards’s evil plans, and keep my sisters safe no matter what it took.
    Doctor Permala came barging in without knocking. Her eyes were fiery, but her voice was low and controlled, “You are interfering with your father’s recuperation.”
    As much as I resented her meddling, I had to admit she was right. Talking about my mother had always upset Dad, but in his weakened physical state… well, it might be too much to handle. The doctor seemed competent. I could always come back to deal with her later.
    I looked up at her tiredly, “I’m leaving today.”
    She looked shocked, and her black eyes flew open with surprise, “That isn’t necessary– I simply wanted–”
    I held up my hand, “I should get back to school. I’ll be up to visit soon .”
    The truth was, I wanted Ethan. He was the only one who knew everything there was to know about me, and we belonged together. Knowing that I was still being followed and hearing about my mother only confirmed what I already sensed; however much time I had should be spent by his side.
    “You were right. He needs peace and quiet.”
    She looked down shyly, “Thank you Miss Vanderpool.”
    “Call me Marina,” I said, “And promise me you’ll take good care of him.”
    “You have my word,” she said, “And… please call me Amrita.”
    I gathered my things and reached for my purse, pulling out my phone and calling Ethan.
    “How’s everything going?” he asked.
    “I’m thinking about coming home a little early.”
    “Good! When?”
    “I’m leaving right now. I have a surprise for you.”
    I could hear his smile in his voice, “I’ll let Stumpy know you’re on the way.”
    On the way out I stopped by Dad’s bedside to tell him that I’d decided to get back to my studies. I promised to come up for a visit in a few days, kissed both his cheeks, and hurried out the door before I could upset him anymore. I took the elevator down to the basement, looking for Paul, but finding Yuri again.
    “Is Paul here?” I asked him. He pointed towards the garage and I turned to go.
    “Marina–” He seemed to have something to say, and I paused. To my relief, Boris came into the room.
    “Hey Sveetie,” he smiled, “What do you want?”
    “I’m going back to Aptos,” I said confidently, “And I need a gun to take with me.”
    Boris looked skeptical, “I have to ask Evie.”
    I rolled my eyes in frustration. Boris was Evie’s man, and would never consider going against her wishes. Evie had left the decision entirely up to Paul, who seemed to be operating with an overabundance of caution.
    I made a face, “Don’t

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