The Truth
to my house. Now pack.”

    s they came down the stairway after packing, Simon picked her heels up from the front vestibule, where he had left them. He stuffed them into her bag. “You lost your glass slippers again, Cinderella. You need to be more careful.”
    Smiling up at him, Katy caressed his arm. “I like losing them because you always find them and I enjoy paying the price for my wayward shoes.”
    “So long as I’m the only one you reward.”
    “Hah! You released the Kraken, Simon. Be careful. I might wear you out!”
    “As long as I have breath in my body, I’ll be able to rise to the occasion.”
    “If all else fails, I’ll put you on life support.”
    “Am I just sex on a stick to you?”
    “The best
sex on a stick.”
    “You wound me to the quick.”
    “I have to keep you on your toes, Captain West.”
    “You lady scientists are mean.”
    As he helped her into his Jeep, he leaned in and kissed her. “I’m hungry.”
    “I noticed a burger joint right around the corner.”
    They stopped at Gott’s Roadside, where they overdosed on bacon burgers, garlic fries and shared the world’s most delicious chocolate milkshake, before making a beeline for Simon’s house in Santa Clara.
    Katy was dying to ask Simon about his brother, but she didn’t want to spoil their comfortable mood. He had offered far more information than she thought he ever would, and for that she was grateful. She hoped that in time, he would trust her enough to share what had happened. For now, she was content to let things lie. But the sister-in-law issue would have to be addressed more immediately. Katy didn’t want to be a bitch about it. She got that Simon felt responsible, but his responsibility only went so far.
    Besides, she had enough on her plate to deal with. Just knowing that Simon was willing to trust her with his job info and now take her to his home was all she needed to get through the hell she was about to go through with Genomtec. Having Simon and Veronica on her team was a godsend.
    They both seemed to have a lot on their minds as the Jeep ate up the miles. Katy was exhausted mentally as well as physically.
    “Being your lover is exhausting, Simon,” she said, yawning.
    He grinned and looked over at her. “I’m insatiable when it comes to you. I can’t keep my hands off you or my dick out of you.”
    “Yeah, I know. I can barely walk.”
    Simon reached over and grabbed her hand. “I’ll take it easy on you the next few days.”
    “Don’t you dare!”
    He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. “We’ll see how you feel in the morning.”
    It was late when they pulled into the garage. Katy must have fallen asleep because she woke to Simon carrying her up a flight of stairs. The cool linen sheets felt good on her skin. As she snuggled deeply into them she thought she detected the scent of roses. She also thought she heard Simon swear.
    “You okay?” she murmured.
    “Everything’s fine, princess,” he said, stroking her cheek. Sweeping his lips across hers, he whispered, “Go back to sleep.”
    Reaching out for his hand, she grabbed it. “Come to bed.”
    “In a few. I have to bring our bags in.”

    Katy woke to the sound of running water and the aromatic scent of freshly ground coffee. But what drove her from the warm empty bed was her full bladder. She slipped naked from the bed into the steamy bathroom where Simon was showering, peed, hurried back to the bedroom, saw his denim shirt on the floor, and slipped it on. The coffee smelled too tempting to resist.
    She’d pour him a cup, then join him in the shower. As she walked to the bedroom door, she noticed something on the floor. She bent down and picked it up. It was soft. She smelled it. A rose petal.
    Odd; why would a rose petal be on the floor? She slipped back into the bathroom and when she looked in the trash can she saw dozens of rose petals.
    What the hell?
    Maybe after a cup of

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