The True Tale of the Monster Billy Dean

The True Tale of the Monster Billy Dean by David Almond

Book: The True Tale of the Monster Billy Dean by David Almond Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Almond
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    She holds my arm & poynts beyond Blinkbonnys edj past the towas of the sity and towards the distant sea.
    “See them?” she says.
    “See what Missus Malone?”
    “Ther William. Peel yor eyes. Look close. Blak poynted shayps abov the horizon. See? Qwik befor ther gon.”
    I narrow my eyes & look to the sky abuv the sea & yes I see them. A clusta of dark things with wings agenst the simpl blue sky.
    “And lissen too,” she says.
    And I lissen hard & yes I here the far off depe down beating drone of them. A sownd thats hard to fynd at first & very nerly silent but wons you here it it drones soft & depe within lyk the sownd of runnin blud or beatin hart or breathin breth.
    “Ther they go” she says as they disapear. “Did you see how they cort the sunlite how they wer a darka shayd of the sea? Did you fynd them byutiful?”
    I nod.
    “Yes I think so Missus Malone.”
    “They ar” she says. “Ther the byutiful blak enjins of destrucshon.”
    She stamps her foot & the balcony shuddas. She waves her stik across the ruwins belo.
    “They said theyd fix arl this, William. They said theyd mayk Blinkbonny & all the Blinkbonnys byutiful agen. Blinkbonny became a plase of fame for a wile. Weell show the world that war wont work they said. Weell simply bild it up agen. What fools they wer! What fools we wer! They started clearin the ruwins. They started fixin what had farlen. They started bildin the new towas.”
    She poynts across the waystlands with her stik.
    “Look thers 1 that was half bilt & thers another. See how theyv turnd to ruwins themselvs. And see the machinry they brout in. The crayns that fel down long ago. The bulldozas that lie rustin on the dirt. They said they had to leev the playses like Blinkbonny as they are. The peple of Blinkbonny shud just get owt & fynd new playses to liv in. Get owt of the ruwind playses, they said. Yor expectin too much! Start new lives! Fend for yorselvs! Dont you no wer livin throu days of massiv thret & overwelmin crisis! Dont you no thers a bluddy war on? We cannot aford to fix & bild no mor. And they started creatin mor & mor enjins of destrucshon & carin for them & sendin them owt to do ther work. They started creatin mor Blinkbonnys just like this 1 arl arownd the world. And the noys of the world has turned to boom & bang & blast & bluddy kapow & gosts wark evrywer acros the shattad erth.”
    Her voys pores into my ear. I gayz across the land below. Im stunnd by the distanses by the syzes of things by the spays by the lite by the farling of the cool air acros my fays. The balcony sways.
    “Look ther” says Missus Malone.
    She directs my eyes towards the sity & shows the smoke that drifts upwards from a sertan part of it.
    “A littl boom a littl bang,” she says. “Somthing smashd & somthing burning. Sumwon woonded somwon killd. Who did it William?”
    “I dont no Missus Malone.”
    “And nor do I. And it dusnt bluddy matter who did. We shud just fly the enjins of destrucshon towards ourselvs & bom ourselvs. It wud be qwiker & easier. Wed get whats coming over & dun with all the faster. Wudnt we? Wudnt we? Say yes, Missus Malone.”
    “Yes Missus Malone.”
    “Do you see them?”
    “See who?”
    “The gosts William. Do you see them warkin evrywer acros the shattad erth.”
    “I dont . . .”
    “You do. You will. I hav great hopes for you William. It is my beleef that you hav speshal gifts. Thees wil alow you to wark among the dead. Now come along & let us get on.”
    We go bak throu the windo & down the stairs.
    “A doctor livd here wons,” she says. “A doctors a man who heals. He was blasted apart on the 5th of May. Come along. Owt we go. What a world.”
    Tap tap. Clik clik.
    And she tayks me home to Mam who comes runnin from the dore with her arms spred owt & angwish in her eyes.
    Missus Malone lets me hurry to her arms.
    “What did you think?” says Missus Malone. “That you wud never see yor boy agen?”
    “O no Missus Malone,” says Mam. “O

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