The Treatment

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Book: The Treatment by Suzanne Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Young
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    I laugh and shake my head. “No. No, I did not.”
    “Did he touch yours?”
    “Did he? I’m trying to get a handle on what ‘and more’ means.”
    “No.” I stand up and walk to his chair. “James, no. He didn’t . . . do that.”
    “How about those?” He points to my chest. He must see my expression change because he nods. “So he got to second base.”
    “Really, James? Second base?”
    He turns away from me. “I don’t blame him,” he murmurs. “They’re nice.”
    “Besides, it was my fault anyway. I was an asshole. I practically gave you to him.” And although he’s trying to sound like he’s being reasonable, a tear spills over onto his cheek and he wipes it quickly so he thinks I won’t notice.
    I drape my arms over his shoulders, and he turns his cheek against my shirt, his hands on my hips. “I’m sorry,” I whisper, wishing I could take away the betrayal he must feel. “Realm knew I wasn’t into it. He knew I was nuts for you.”
    James sniffles and pulls back enough to look up at me with a small smile. “You didn’t like it?” he asks.
    “Because you love me?”
    “And you won’t kiss him again?”
    I smile. “Never.”
    He licks his lips. “But you’ll kiss me now?”
    I answer by bringing my mouth to his, kissing him softly. He’s slow to respond, his body tense. I can feel his arms shaking as he wraps them around me. He’s all raw nerve endings, and then James, my James, practically collapses and cries into my hair, saying how sorry he is for almost losing me.
    *  *  *
    I go downstairs for dinner as James runs to the store for supplies with Cas, opting to skip the meal. Really I think he’s avoiding Realm, but at the moment—considering what we’d talked about earlier—that’s probably a good idea.
    I make it into the kitchen and Dallas is the only one there, frying up something that smells like charcoal in a pan. When she notices me, she shrugs. “I burn everything.” She lifts the pan. “Chicken?”
    “Uh . . .” I peek into the skillet and shake my head. “No, thanks. Do we have any mac ’n’ cheese left? James isn’t cooking for us tonight.”
    Dallas sets the burned food aside. “I figured.” She reaches into a cabinet to pull down a box of macaroni and cheese and then grabs a pot and fills it with water. Once it’s going, she turns to me. “Is he okay?” She sounds truly concerned.
    “He’s not a huge fan of my and Realm’s friendship.”
    “I suppose not. And I’m guessing from the reaction to the file, your past wasn’t exactly what you thought it was.”
    “James was trying to protect me,” I say defensively. “And if you’re going to gloat—”
    “Gloat? Sloane, I don’t want you to be miserable. And I definitely don’t want James unhappy. Do I personally think the two of you together is a bad idea? Yes. I think you love each other to a fault, but in a world like this, being one half of Romeo and Juliet is stupid. I’ll take my chances staying single.”
    I can’t help it. I laugh. I take a seat at the table, and Dallas grabs a couple of sodas from the fridge and gives me one. Sometimes I don’t totally hate her.
    “Realm’s the one who told me James and I were together before,” I start. “I mean, I had guessed it because I found a picture of James with my brother, but I didn’t know for sure. It was tortuous, because James would switch between hot and cold, flirting and ignoring me on a daily basis. We worked it out, though,” I say. “So I call bullshit on that file.”
    “Huh,” Dallas says, sipping from her drink. “Sounds like it. James would lie to protect you. Which leads me to my next question.” She twists the tab on her soda can until it pops off. “How do you know Realm?”
    Heat rises to my cheeks. “We met in The Program.”
    She laughs. “Well, obviously. But are you friends?” She pauses. “The kind with

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