The Tori Trilogy

The Tori Trilogy by Alicia Danielle Voss-Guillén

Book: The Tori Trilogy by Alicia Danielle Voss-Guillén Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alicia Danielle Voss-Guillén
slips of glossy pink paper, batting them in the air and talking a mile a minute. Anastasia, who is dressed in an expensive-looking soft pink sweater over black leggings and pink fluffy boots, has that smile on her face that I’ve come to hate. The smile says a million different things, such as, “I am so much better than you, it’s funny” and “Don’t you wish you could be me?” and “Aren’t you just so lucky I’m paying attention to you?”
    I try my best to ignore her, but it’s really hard. For some reason, most of the girls in 5L think Anastasia Adams is something special, and it’s like being in class with a superstar. A stuck-up, racist superstar.
    I glance around the room and notice Gina and Shannon huddled together by Gina’s desk, whispering. I walk over to them, and they glance up, their eyes filled with a strange expression.
    â€œHi,” I say, a question in my voice.
    â€œHi,” they reply together, sounding flat and serious.
    My heart thumps against my ribs. Something is wrong. I know it. And I’d bet anything it has to do with Anastasia. “What is it, you guys?” I drop my voice to a whisper and lean into their huddle.
    â€œTake a look at this.” With stiff, jerking movements like a robot’s, Shannon reaches into her jeans pocket and pulls out a folded piece of glossy pink paper, identical to the sheets that the other girls are holding. She spreads it out flat on Gina’s desk, and I read:
    You are invited!
    Join us for a night of pleasure and pampering as we celebrate Anastasia Adams’ new life in Forest Grove! We will be enjoying hors d’ oeuvres, dinner and dessert buffets, and unlimited Shirley Temples as we focus on getting to know one another. Mr. and Mrs. Adams have been so kind as to arrange for Ms. Melanie Banks, owner of Goldilocks Salon for Girls, to treat us all to extravagant hairstyles and original makeovers. Please come equipped with an overnight bag as there will be a sleepover immediately following.
    Date: Saturday, November 14
    Time: 5:00 P.M. to 10:00 A.M., Sunday, November 15
    Place: The Adams Home
    617 North Evergreen Lane
    Forest Grove
    Please RSVP by Thursday, November 12
    When I am finished reading, I look up at my friends in disbelief. “That’s this Saturday,” I whisper. “Anastasia’s having a fancy party to celebrate moving here? I didn’t even think she was happy about it. I-” I break off, not sure what else to say. Hors d’oeuvres? Buffets? Shirley Temples? A hairstylist? Even the wording on the invitation is more formal than some wedding invitations I’ve seen. These people must be crazy loaded!
    â€œTori,” Shannon says softly, “I think you’re missing the point.” She glances meaningfully at Gina.
    My cousin clears her throat, shifts in her chair as though she’s trapped, and finally whispers, “Shannon found that invitation in her locker this morning. So did all those other girls.” She tilts her head toward the windows. “I guess Anastasia must have slipped them under the doors....” She bites her lip. “I didn’t get one, Tori.”
    Like a punch in the stomach, I finally understand. I didn’t find an invitation in my locker, either. Me and Gina. And if Reid were a girl, he wouldn’t have gotten one....My head pounds. I look around the room wildly, my gaze landing on Elissa Chung, a Chinese-American girl who’s super-sweet and very quiet.
    She’s sitting at her desk, writing in her flowered notebook. Her long, silky, dark hair falls into her face, and she keeps pushing it behind her ear.
    Without thinking it through, I snatch Shannon’s invitation off Gina’s desk and march over to Elissa, waving it in her face. “Elissa!” I cry, a little too loudly. “Did you get one of these?”
    Surprised, Elissa looks up, takes the slip of paper from me, skims it, and

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