The Throwbacks
Must have been inherited from one of her unknown relatives and decided to show itself when it mattered most. David mattered to her and she wanted to win him over. However long it took.
    “Of course, let me show you the upholstery samples—mostly for the colors,” she said with her eyes on his. She reached into her bag, still watching him instead of what she was doing, and pulled out a swath of burgundy fabric. “What do you think,” she asked as she pulled the sumptuous cloth across her arm in a great show.
    Instead of an answer, his phone rang. He reached in his pocket and gestured with his index finger for her to wait a minute, put the phone to his ear and said, “Young here.”
    “Hello David—Esther here.”
    Grace heard and wondered.

Chapter 6

    T HE sound of Esther’s voice reminded him of the forbidden-Grace promise and he stepped away into the hallway as he registered what the dear woman was saying.
    “…so of course I’m striking while the iron is hot and I’ve arranged your date with Maria—our French teacher—for tomorrow night. I checked with Dan and he said you had nothing more important to do than straighten out your laughable personal life—quote unquote.” Esther heaved a deep sigh.
    “My sentiments exactly,” he said. “What have you arranged? Do I have time for this outing with the clock ticking on our investigation?”
    “Don’t worry about the investigation. You can spare time for dinner—you’re going to the Museum of Fine Arts Exhibit of French Masters and then to a French restaurant—the best one in town. Dan said not to spare your wallet since you’re a closet millionaire, again quote unquote.” This time there was a hint of mischief in her voice along with the anxiety. Esther was one of those women who took on any new venture as if it were the equivalent of going into a lightning storm with a kite—she still did it, but with much trepidation.
    “Don’t worry, Esther. My wallet can stand it if I can. What time shall I pick her up and where does the lovely appropriately aged woman live?”
    That made Esther chuckle. “Oh, this is the coup de gras of Dan’s plan—because you know he’s taken over this matchmaking effort with a promising zeal. You’ll pick her up at our house at six and we’ll have cocktails—to loosen things up. Dan figured he’d allow you to fortify yourself before sending you on this mission…”
    “Don’t tell me—quote unquote,” David finished for her. This time she really laughed. David frowned. Eventually there would be payback for Dan’s playful foray into matchmaking, but he knew underneath it all there was a serious intent. That was what really disturbed him. He couldn’t shake that feeling of impending doom. He signed off on his call with Esther, turned and walked back to where Grace was setting up her display on the only appropriate surface in the place, the breakfast bar in the kitchen. She welcomed him with her usual brilliant smile.
    “Can I offer you a drink?” He went around to the kitchen side to get a drink for himself. He could use fortification right now, but he thought better of it.
    “That sounds lovely—I’ll have a cosmopolitan with a twist of lime and a sugared rim,” she said. She had a straight face and he raised his brow.
    “I’m fresh out,” he said.
    Then she laughed with that same zeal he admired when they first met.
    “What are you having?” she asked.
    “How about lemonade straight up.” He placed the carton in front of her. She was a kick. There was something about her that struck him. Maybe it was her constant equivocation between the persona of a clueless bombshell and that of a witty, talented and confident beauty. She kept his head spinning and his eyes popping, and if he was to be perfectly honest with himself, his mouth watering. She laughed again as if she could read his mind.
    “Sounds refreshing. I’ll have the same.”
    He poured her a glass and wished fervently that she were twenty

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