The Thief Taker

The Thief Taker by Janet Gleeson

Book: The Thief Taker by Janet Gleeson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Gleeson
very sorry for the loss,” returned Agnes. Inwardly, she was appalled at Theodore’s callousness, but she reminded herself that he was in a state of agitation and not himself.
    â€œAt any rate, I daresay you want to know why I have summoned you like this.”
    Agnes glanced nervously at him, then toward the table, where six salt cellars in the form of miniature turreted castles caught her attention. “I did wonder, sir.”
    â€œIt was my wife who first suggested it. She thought you might be amenable—”
    â€œPerhaps I should explain,” said Justice Cordingly, holding up an intervening hand in a lordly manner. “It is a measure of the high esteem in which you are held, Mrs. Meadowes, that you have been summoned here this afternoon. There is little chance of the forces of justice solving a complex tragedy such as this without additional cooperation. But we must pick our deputies with care. After my preliminary examination of the facts, it appears likely that someone inside this household has assisted in this crime. We therefore require someone inside the household to aid us, someone whose integrity is beyond reproach. Mr. Blanchard has consulted his wife and concluded that you should be the one to assist.”
    From somewhere nearby, the strident sound of hammering metal could be heard. It was piercing enough to make Agnes blink at every stroke, and she was not at all sure she had heard correctly. She was a cook, her place was in her kitchen—what assistance could she conceivably offer? She felt the men scrutinize her expectantly. She felt exposed, uneasy. “I’m sorry, gentlemen, I do not properly understand what you require of me.”
    Justice Cordingly scratched his long nose. “As I said before, we believe this was no casual crime. Only the wine cooler, the most valuable object in the building, was taken. That points to the fact that someone knew of the object and its value, and that the crime was carefully planned and undertaken with inside knowledge. We have elected you, Mrs. Meadowes, to be the servant of justice; to poke about, ask questions, encourage confidences, and report to one or the other of us anything—anything at all—you think significant.”
    As the metal was struck again and again, Agnes felt her temples flinch and her brain pound.
    â€œAnd, most pressingly, you are to assist in the recovery of the wine cooler,” chimed Theodore hastily.
    Agnes was overwhelmed with misgivings similar to those she had felt after her conversation with Lydia. Once again, she was being forced to act against her natural inclinations. The truth was, she was not interested in others’ private lives or dilemmas, any more than she wanted to share her own misfortunes. It was tragic that an apprentice had been murdered, she regretted the wine cooler’s loss—but ultimately, neither of these calamities was anything to do with her. Nor, with all she had to worry over, did she wish them to be.
    Dare she make this point to Theodore? Despite her usual docility, Agnes decided she would. She coughed tentatively and did her best to raise her voice above the noise. “I am honored by your offer, sirs. And I am gratified to learn that Mrs. Blanchard holds me in high esteem. But I am not at all certain I am suited to the responsibilities of the task.”
    â€œWhat?” said Justice Cordingly, his brow rumpling incredulously. “What did you say?”
    Theodore snorted. The filigree of veins on his nose and cheeks darkened. “As we see it, you are the only choice. You are not so young as to be foolish, but more alert and able than either Mrs. Tooley or Mr. Matthews. Patsy is not below stairs enough to be useful. The others are too lowly to trust.”
    Just then the hammering stopped, leaving the room silent. Agnes felt her stomach grow watery. She wished she were anywhere but here. “Even so, sir, I am not certain I have the confidence of

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