The Target

The Target by Catherine Coulter

Book: The Target by Catherine Coulter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Coulter
free weights. She began to do bicep curls.
    She turned only when she heard him place the phone back into the cradle. He said, “It shouldn’t be long now. We’ll get three for the price of one.”
    â€œI wish it could be different.”
    He looked at her closely, doing the slow bicep curls, like pulling through water, just as he’d taught her. “No you don’t. You enjoy all this crap. But I promised you. You know I always keep my promises.”
    She put down the free weights and walked to him. She hugged him close, not caring that he was sweaty. “Thanks, Daddy. I know. I appreciate it.”
    He lightly pushed her away and toweled himself off. “You’re a good girl, Mellie, but sometimes you get strange ideas.” He raised his hand. “No, it’s okay. It keeps life interesting.”
    Rule Shaker was whistling when he walked into the huge shower stall in the marble bath off his private gym.

    â€œ E MMA , KEEP YOUR head down and eat your French fries. Molly, don’t go for your gun, listen to me. I want you and Emma to go through that doorway that says TELEPHONES & TOILETS . If there’s an exit, go on out to the Jeep, otherwise, stay in the bathroom. If you get to the Jeep, lock yourselves in. I’ll be out as soon as I pay the bill. Go. Act as naturally as you can. Don’t look back.”
    Molly didn’t move. “Em, did you see the two men that came to the cabin?”
    â€œNot really.”
    â€œSo you wouldn’t recognize them?”
    â€œNo, Mama, but Ramsey would.”
    â€œThat’s right, I would. Go, Molly. There’s no time for any more discussion. If they’re the guys I’ll be out as soon as I can, probably walking really fast.”
    â€œYou made a joke, just like Mama does.”
    Molly gave him a final long look, grabbed her purse, kept her attention on Emma, and walked with her to the back of the small restaurant, through the doorway. Slowly, Ramsey turned around just as he raised his hand to thewaitress. They were standing with their backs to him. One was tall and thin, the other short. He couldn’t tell if he was bowlegged or not. He didn’t think they were the same guys who’d come to the cabin. How could they be? He’d shot both the bastards. He didn’t have his Smith & Wesson. The restaurant was pretty crowded. He prayed the men wouldn’t do anything stupid.
    The waitress smiled down at him. He said without looking at her, “Is there a back way out of here?”
    â€œYeah, there’s a back door just beside the men’s room.”
    â€œGood. How much do I owe you?”
    She wrote down a couple of more things, frowned as she added, then ripped off the paper and handed it to him, saying, “You guys didn’t eat all that much so I took a bit off the bill.”
    â€œThat’s really nice of you. My wife was feeling a bit on the edge. She’s pregnant.”
    â€œOh, well, congratulations. It happens to the best of us, getting sick that is.”
    â€œHey, Elsa, how’s tricks?”
    The guy looked like a cowboy with a gut. He was standing behind the waitress. Ramsey couldn’t see his face because Elsa was large, had very big hair, and was standing squarely between them. But it wasn’t one of the men at the cabin. He didn’t know whether to be relieved or worried over a possible new threat.
    â€œI’m mean and pretty as ever,” she said, turning to face the man, blocking Ramsey’s view of him. “You’re new, aren’t you? You move here or something?”
    â€œYeah. Me and the missus came down from Wyoming. Nice around here.”
    â€œYeah. You want some lunch, then go sit with your friend at that booth.” She pointed with the pencil then stuck it behind her ear.
    â€œHey, mister, what happened to that pretty little girl I was smiling at?”
    Ramsey slowly rose. Elsa stepped out

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