The Sword of Light: Book One of the Veredor Chronicles
are mostly
beyond them.’
    Cassiel had
explained to King Ignis much of what had been occurring in Ortaria
since his imprisonment. King Ignis was deeply saddened by the news
of how bad the situation was in his kingdom.
    ‘ Monsters roam freely in the wilderness, and the main highways
around Ortaria have become mostly impassable,’ said
    ‘ What about the port city of Sevadir; does my cousin Duke
Julian still rule there?’
    ‘ Your Highness, I am sorry to say that your cousin Duke Julian
died two years ago. The imposter has placed an evil ruler in his
place to govern Sevadir.’
    King Ignis
nodded sadly. ‘It would seem that our only hope is to travel to
Galdir and the Iron Gate Pass where my army waits.’
    ‘ Yes, I think that it would be a wise course of action,’
agreed Cassiel.
    ‘ I know that the imposter was placed there by the Zyranian
Order,’ said King Ignis. ‘I also know that they will send word
quickly to intercept us if we try to dock at Ancora or Sevadir. Our
only choice is to dock at a smaller village or to land on a
secluded beach and make our way through the wilderness. We can
stock up on supplies once we find a village. It is at least a
twelve day march out to the Iron Gate Pass, and the wilderness will
slow us down. Perhaps we can acquire some horses.’
    ‘ You are right, Your Highness. I’m also sure our enemies will
do all they can to try to stop us reaching your army,’ said
    Baftel looked
up into the sky and saw a sea eagle ascending as the sun rose
higher in the east. He glanced toward King Ignis anxiously. ‘They
will send the Zyranian Enforcers after you.’
    King Ignis
nodded soberly. ‘Yes. I would expect them to do that; however, I
believe we can avoid them,’ said King Ignis confidently.
    ‘ There is something else that you should be aware of,’ said
Baftel. ‘I see a shadow like black smoke drifting across Ortaria.
Something evil will stand in your way.’
    ‘ Skatheans,’ said King Ignis, flinching as he said the
    ‘ What are Skatheans?’ asked Eben.
    ‘ The Skathean Knights are an evil order from the north of
Veredor,’ replied King Ignis. ‘They have been the bane of all good
folk for many ages. For a long time the Fiorian Knights matched
their strength and prevented them from entering the Southern and
Eastern Lands. Now there are few Fiorians remaining in Veredor, and
the Skatheans have come south without hindrance.’
    ‘ I thought Fiorian Knights were a myth,’ said Red.
    ‘ I believe the Fiorian Knights still exist, but their numbers
have greatly diminished,’ said King Ignis.
interrupted the conversation and excitedly pointed out a group of
five dolphins from the front of the boat. The creatures approached
and swam by the small vessel. Eben looked over the edge; they were
very close to the side. He reached out; gliding his hand through
the water, and a dolphin came very close and was only just out of
reach. Eben was sure that the beautiful creature had looked up at
him for a moment before swimming onward.
    ‘ They seem to like you, Eben,’ said Red.
    He had never
seen such beautiful creatures; they looked so graceful and gentle.
Before long the dolphins were gone from sight and disappeared
beneath the waves.
    They continued
sailing throughout the day. A brisk breeze brought them ever closer
to Ortaria. Several hours passed. Red had fallen asleep and the
others were also resting. Cassiel was seated at the front of the
boat and was in a deep meditative trance, completely oblivious to
what was happening around him. Eben reflected on the recent events
as the boat became quiet. He felt that he had been caught up in a
whirlwind of happenings and had barely had a chance to think about
everything that had occurred since he left Clemensdale. He felt a
hand on his shoulder and looked up. King Ignis was standing beside
    ‘ May I sit here?’ asked the King, indicating to the place
beside Eben. Eben nodded and the King sat down.

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