The  Super 4 : Dark Death
    “ Thank you very much!” I said,
bowing. “Now anyways Carls, I didn’t save you last night. I was
exhausted and fell asleep before everyone else. I’m really
    “ It’s okay.” She told
    I sat down in the living room for longer than
    My brain was having the workout that it hadn’t
had for longer than I could remember.
    Wasn’t I the only flier in town?
    Heck, wasn’t I the only flier in North
    So who was this mysterious person?
    Maybe I was sleepwalking. I thought. But I
quickly dismissed the thought, as even if I had been sleepwalking I
wouldn’t of been able to carry Carly to her room.
    Or save her at all.
    I walked to Jake’s house in silence, my brain
spinning with possible thoughts.
    Could Jake have bounced along on
his force fields?
    But then Carly would notice, after
all his force fields are a light blue.
    I walked up to Jake’s door without even
looking up.
    I was staring at the ground. Something I
usually did when concentrating hard.
    Jane opened the door.
    “ Hi Harrison.” She said, dryly.
She no longer cared for my visits, as she had when I first became
Jake’s best friend.
    “ JAKE!!” She yelled over her
shoulder. With her excitement, gone too had her show of politeness.
    “ COMING!!” He yelled
    One of the reasons I liked Jake was his
inability to treat me like royalty.
    Suddenly Jake’s head popped into the
    “ Wow!” Jane said, taken aback from
his sudden appearance. “Where’d you come from?”
    “ You know me.” He said smugly.
“Quicker than lightning!”
    “ Dude!” I said, laughing. “The
phrase is ‘quick as lightning!’ not quicker than!”
    Jane and I- finding the whole scene hilarious-
laughed our heads off.
    “ Pff.” He says, fuming. “I knew
that! I was just testing your knowledge!”
    “ Right...” She says under her
    “ Remember ‘Bullet’?” He asks,
making a quick glance at me.
    I realized the connection a few seconds
    “ Harrison?” He said. “You might
want to come down to my room.”
    “ Sure…” I said uncertainly as he
led me to his soundproof lair.
    He sat me down on his bed, while pacing around
anxiously around the room. No doubt thinking of how to
    “ Jake.” I told him, getting
straight to the point. “Would you kindly explain how Jane managed
to find out about your powers?” I asked, with a great deal of
difficulty. My anger was making it hard to keep my voice at a level
    It was also making me speak fancy
    “ Well,” He began. “It happened
like this..”
    And then the whole truth was
    How the crazy guy practically shoved a gun in
his face: told.
    How Jane came down to his room to look for a
hairbrush: spoken.
    How Jane had saw him use his powers and was
told everything: That too, unfortunately, was said.
    I felt like bashing his head into his
    An uncomfortable image of a headless Jake
filled my mind.
    “ Look Harrison I’m really sorry!”
He apologized. “But Jane saw me! And if I hadn’t explained
everything people would probably come and experiment on me!” He
sounded really worried and scared. “Then they would use lie
detectors to find out about you guys!”
    I thought carefully about what he
    Darryl was usually the thinker, but
unfortunately it was just the two of us.
    “ Does Jane know about Darryl,
Carly and I?” I asked him.
    “ I might’ve mentioned it,” He said
uncertainly. “But then again what difference would it of made?” he
asked. “She would’ve figured it out eventually!”
    I knew he was right.
    “ Well...if you’re sure we can
trust her….then I guess it’s alright.” I admitted.
    He nodded furtively.
    “ I trust her with my life!” He
said over exaggerating again.
    That was a good sign that he was over the
whole anxiety thing.
    “ Well...I hope you placed your
life in the right

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