What. You can go home with me but I cant go home with you? White
No. I mean no, that’s not it. I just need to go home. Black
You live in a apartment? White
Yes. Black
What. They dont let black folks in there? White
No. I mean of course they do. Look. No more jokes. I’ve got to go. I’m very tired. Black
Well I just hope we dont run into no hassle about you gettin me in there. White
You’re serious. Black
Oh I think you know I’m serious. White
You cant be serious. Black
I’m as serious as a heart attack. White
Why are you doing this? Black
Me? I aint got no choice in the matter. White
Of course you have a choice. Black
No I aint. White
Who appointed you my guardian angel? Black
Let me get my coat. White
Answer the question. Black
You know who appointed me. I didnt ask for you to leap into my arms down in the subway this mornin. White
I didnt leap into your arms. Black
You didnt? White
No. I didnt. Black
Well how did you get there then?
The professor stands with his head lowered. He looks at the chair and then turns and goes and sits down in it. Black
What. Now we aint goin? White
Do you really think that Jesus is in this room? Black
No. I dont think he’s in this room. White
You dont? Black
I know he’s in this room.
The professor folds his hands at the table and lowers his head. The black pulls out the other chair and sits again. Black
Its the way you put it, Professor. Be like me askin you do you think you got your coat on. You see what I’m sayin? White
It’s not the same thing. It’s a matter of agreement. If you and I say that I have my coat on and Cecil says that I’m naked and I have green skin and a tail then we might want to think about where we should put Cecil so that he wont hurt himself. Black
Who’s Cecil? White
He’s not anybody. He’s just a hypothetical… There’s not any Cecil. He’s just a person I made up to illustrate a point. Black
Made up. White
Yes. Black
Mm. White
We’re not going to get into this again are we? It’s not the same thing. The fact that I made Cecil up. Black
But you did make him up. White
Yes. Black
And his view of things dont count. White
No. That’s why I made him up. I could have changed it around. I could have made you the one that didnt think I was wearing a coat. Black
And was green and all that shit you said. White
Yes. Black
But you didnt. White
No. Black
You loaded it off on Cecil. White
Yes. Black
But Cecil cant defend hisself cause the fact that he aint in agreement with everbody else makes his word no good. I mean aside from the fact that you made him up and he’s green and everthing. White
He’s not the one who’s green. I am. Where is this going? Black