The Suit

The Suit by B. N. Toler Page B

Book: The Suit by B. N. Toler Read Free Book Online
Authors: B. N. Toler
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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At least this is what I’m telling myself.
    On the dresser, there’s a picture of Edie as a young girl with a woman I know has to be her mother. They have the same big brown eyes. Next to it is a photo of Bud, smiling as he holds a pipe in his mouth. As I scan her room, my gaze falls on a tall book shelf. This is where she keeps all of her literary porn. I mosey over and run my fingers across the spines wondering which one she’ll pick next to play out.
    After leafing through a few pages of some Fifty Shades of something or another, which judging by what I read, it involves a riding crop and something about a red room of pain, I’m wondering if she’ll pick this one to act out. I head into Bud’s room across the hall and notice it’s very tidy, organized, and mostly untouched.
    “I haven’t been able to come in here.” My head jerks as Edie speaks, scaring the crap out of me. She laughs when she sees my reaction. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.”
    “I shouldn’t be in here. I’m sorry.” I move to exit, but she puts a hand up stopping me.
    “Stay a minute. If you don’t mind. It’s easier to be in here with someone else.” She moves to the long dresser and gazes down at a black and white photo of what appears to be Bud and her grandmother on their wedding day.
    “He loved her very much. I never met her. She passed before I was born, but he told me they were kindred spirits.” She picks up the frame and hands it to me. It’s a beautiful photo, her grandmother young and flawless draped in white lace head to toe, Bud wearing a tux, a gigantic grin on his face.
    “I guess that’s all we can ever hope for. To find somebody like ourselves, huh?”
    Edie smiles and takes the frame from me and gently sets it back on the dresser. “And what would your perfect match be, Suit?”
    “Well, a business woman maybe.” I shrug. Truth is, I’m not sure. A business woman would fit into the life I’ve picked, but they can be too driven, too callous. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I just haven’t found one that felt right.
    “Lady suits and corporate meetings.” Edie smiles as she crosses her arms and leans back against the dresser watching me.
    “What about you? What is Edie James looking for in a man?” I attempt to deflect the attention away from myself; always bring it back to her.
    Her eyes glance at the floor before meeting mine again. “I’m not sure,” she says, thoughtfully. “Maybe a man who loves the land and horses and a man who can excite me, always make me feel…passionate.” Our gazes are locked and the slightest hint of blush covers her cheeks. She clears her throat and breaks eye contact with me. “Sorry. That was probably a little more information than you wanted.”
    Sensing her embarrassment, I decide to change the subject. “You should redecorate this room. Make it your own. I bet Bud would want that.”
    Her eyes dart around the room and she sighs, “Maybe.”
    “I can help you paint or whatever,” I offer.
    “Yeah?” she asks surprised.
    “I am your slave for the summer,” I joke.
    “In more ways than one, huh?” She laughs.
    “Last night, that was…” How do I describe one of the most erotic moments of my life when we didn’t even have sex or anything near it. We just kissed.
    Edie, I think sensing my struggle for words, says, “Are you up for some more of that?”
    Fuck yes! “Sure,” I answer coolly.
    “Well, I have another in mind. If you want, we can start after dinner.”
    “Okay.” I smile as my cell phone rings interrupting us. I pull it from my pocket and see Ainsley’s name lit up across the screen. Shit . This is the second time she’s called me today. I had hoped if I ignored her she’d get the hint, but that doesn’t seem to be working.
    “Do you need to get that?”
    “No,” I reply as I hit end on my phone to stop it from ringing. “So we’re on?” I quickly change the subject. “I’m not going to lie. I’ve been

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