The Stars Came Back

The Stars Came Back by Rolf Nelson

Book: The Stars Came Back by Rolf Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rolf Nelson
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different points in the ship. Many wall-mounted screens, which double as lights, are clearly old, broken, or missing, (screens are all one of four standard sizes so they can be moved where needed) so lighting is usable but uneven. Each room has a small communication panel near the door. There are a handful of places where Allonia has cleaned up because she uses them.
    ●  Helton is examining one of the “mystery cylinders” on the cargo deck (70cm across and 1m long with a 1cm hole in the top). The only markings are a simple lit candle logo/image on one end. There are several of them on the cargo deck. Helton tries to move one briefly by tipping it up but fails. It’s obviously very dense/heavy.
    ●  Allonia showing Helton around a tight 12-man sleeping berth room, that still looks cramped even in good light, but no longer dangerous and haunted, just old and dirty.
    ●  The galley, where it’s obvious a portion has been cleaned and is used by Allonia, the rest of the stuff just getting pushed semi-neatly aside. Allonia is pointing out where things are.
    ●  One of the midlevel windows into the cargo bay with the window propped up and open. Allonia is pointing to the windows across the cargo bay, where we can see Quinn’s head run by other open windows, one after another, holding something up over his head like a flag.
    ●  The “garden,” a largish room full of racks and trays, many of which have soil or water, and some plants growing here and there, along with a few small potted bushes. Workbenches and cupboards line the walls, and there are several light panels hooked up to some sort of battery/fuel-cell unit.
    ●  Engineering Command Center, nearly eighteen meters long, a low room with lots of machinery. Many hatches/panel covers, some open. Wires and components exposed or hanging down. An empty, open tube entrance about half a meter across. Another hatch low against one corner with a barely discernible, and unnoticed lit candle logo. A largish tube with lots of stuff hanging off of it on one side. Several pieces of machinery hanging down from the ceiling. A partially disassembled torpedo-sized something on a wheeled cradle in the middle.
    ●  The Officers’ Mess, a room with a long table in the middle, a dozen mounted pedestal chairs around it, cupboards and access hatches line the walls, along with a couple of screens. There are several one-meter screens/lights that look like they can fold down from the ceiling depending on what’s needed. Two are down and obviously broken.
    ●  The head, obviously designed for large numbers to use fast: six shower heads in a communal stall, pocket doors on either end (one only half in), toilets in small stalls, eight small sinks with emergency “lost gravity” covers, and lots of small numbered lockers and cupboards.
    ●  They open a heavy door off the cargo bay to reveal what looks like a small storage closet with a jumble of assorted mechanical detritus stacked in it.
    ●  Allonia opens a door on B Deck, showing a clean and orderly, if small, cabin where she’s been living. Desk with a sewing machine on it. Chair. Bed. Decorative draperies. Bookshelves with a few books and various knickknacks, as well as a couple of plants under a light. It looks clean, bright, cozy. There is a door to one side, and an open closet door with a variety of clothes hanging in it.
    ●  A small hatch like a miniature submarine watertight door on middeck passageway that is clearly welded shut along one edge. Allonia is pointing out damage on the door from previous opening attempts, and Helton is inspecting the welds.
    [Appendix I has diagrams]
    One end of the cargo bay
    Helton approaches one side of the big aft doors and pushes a button on the wall.
    Helton: Open.
    Helton: ( Pushing button again) Open Sesame .
    Helton: Open the cargo bay doors, please, Tajemnica .
    Ship AI: (OC, softly) I am afraid I can’t do

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