The Solstice Mistletoe Effect
    heart said yes.
    He’d never realized this before and wasn’t sure he liked
    it. It wasn’t like they could get married in Wyoming. Even
    living together like they did was slightly risky. So far, all
    they’d gotten was a few stares and some nasty comments.
    But if anything happened to Magnus, Jakob would be on his
    own since joint adoption by gay parents still wasn’t possible
    in Wyoming.
    Something needed to change. Maybe it was a good thing
    that Sigrid had given them this wake-up call. One thing was
    clear. He wasn’t just going to give up. In fact, he couldn’t
    believe that he’d run away again—just like he’d left for his
    parents’ house when there’d been a misunderstanding before
    Christmas. Apparently this behavior was so ingrained that it
    was hard for him to react differently. He’d have to work on
    that, and he was going to start as soon as the festivities were
    For now, there was a beautiful sunny day outside and a
    solstice celebration to attend.
    When Jakob woke up a few minutes later, they got
    dressed, packed their bag, and left it with the concierge while
    they went to have breakfast in the large restaurant. The
    buffet carried every breakfast dish Lance had ever seen, plus
    a few more that looked uniquely Swedish. Lance recognized
    The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates

    some of them from the cookbooks he had studied, but others
    looked really different.
    Lance left the bag in the hotel because he didn’t want to
    carry it around all day. He could always come back for it
    later. It took them about fifteen minutes by taxi to reach the
    entrance to the park. The lines were unbelievable, but they
    joined in good spirits. Jakob seemed excited, and it looked
    like Lance had made the right decision. This distraction was
    just what they both needed.

    MAGNUS felt like he hadn’t slept at all. In reality, he’d
    probably managed about two or three hours, but that wasn’t
    enough to make him feel rested. He’d missed Lance too
    much to feel comfortable in their bed. Breakfast without him
    and Jakob wasn’t any fun either. His parents were
    uncharacteristically quiet, not a big surprise after last
    night’s fight followed by this morning’s shock at discovering
    that Jakob was gone.
    They’d even dared suggest that Lance had abducted
    Jakob. Calling the police had been totally out of the question
    for Magnus, and he’d told his parents so in no uncertain
    terms. His father had flat-out refused to accept that Magnus
    himself was really responsible for Lance leaving. His mother
    had started to look thoughtful when Magnus explained.
    After much back and forth, they’d finally had to accept
    that Magnus, as Jakob’s legal guardian, was ultimately in
    charge of the decision. The last thing Magnus wanted was to
    get the police involved. Lance hadn’t abducted Jakob; he’d
    never do something like that.
    The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates

    Magnus sipped his coffee while he tried to figure things
    out further. One thing had become abundantly clear during
    the quiet hours of the night. Magnus had made a major
    mistake when he didn’t react quickly enough to protect
    Lance, not to mention Jakob, against Sigrid’s attack. He’d
    been way too preoccupied with considering her proposal’s
    impact on his own life. He should have realized much earlier
    how her words affected Lance and even Jakob. His nephew
    had clearly not liked her—and who could blame him, after
    the way she’d threatened to send him to boarding school?
    His mistake of not putting his family first had cost him.
    For the moment, there was still hope that Lance and Jakob
    would return. But what if they didn’t? What if he couldn’t
    find them? What if he found them, but they didn’t want to
    live with him anymore?
    “You’re trying to figure out how to find Lance, aren’t
    you?” His mother’s voice was soft but reminded him that he
    wasn’t alone in the room.
    “Of course I am!”

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