The Solstice Mistletoe Effect
    was time to get out of here.
    The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates

    He made his way downstairs, and they left the house
    without being noticed. Once outside, Lance started walking,
    Jakob in one arm and the travel bag slung across his other
    shoulder. They wouldn’t make it very far like this, so he
    pulled out his cell and called the taxi service they’d used
    before. At least everyone here spoke English.
    By the time they got into the car and the driver asked
    for their destination, Lance had figured out a basic plan.
    They needed a hotel for the night, and the best source of
    information was the taxi driver, since Lance had no idea
    what hotel to go for. There were bound to be lots of tourists
    in Stockholm for the Midsummer Eve celebrations, so most
    of them were bound to be fully booked.
    He was pleasantly surprised when the driver informed
    him that most Swedish people celebrated outside the city
    and that drew most tourists away from the city. He
    suggested they try the largest hotel in Stockholm, because
    they’d almost certainly have at least one room available.
    Once that was settled, Lance leaned back into the
    comfortable seat of the taxi, his right arm tight around
    Jakob’s shoulders. The boy had finally stopped sobbing
    when they had gotten into the car and now snuggled into
    Lance’s side, eyes closed and breathing more or less quietly.
    Hearing Sigrid propose to Magnus, all self-assured of his
    acceptance, had been bad enough. The points in her favor—a
    career in Magnus’s scientific field and the approval of
    Magnus’s parents—were massive. The lack of a reaction from
    Magnus had been devastating, and when Sigrid started
    belittling Jakob, Lance had had enough. Yes, Magnus had
    reacted, but it was too little too late as far as Lance was
    The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates

    Not sure about anything anymore, he hoped the night
    away would give him some time to think things through. The
    hotel wasn’t too far away from the Skansen Open Air
    Museum where they had planned to attend the festivities on
    Friday. He suspected that Jakob could do with a distraction,
    and having some fun might be good for Lance as well.
    The Clarion Hotel Sign was an impressive building. Its
    ten floors had a glass and black granite exterior, and Lance
    was glad he had his credit card with him. This was not going
    to be cheap.
    Luckily, there still was a room left, even if it was an
    expensive suite. Lance couldn’t get himself to care. He wasn’t
    going to sleep in the street. They made their way upstairs
    and quickly settled in for the night. Jakob was bone tired
    and was asleep before Lance could slip on the boy’s pajamas.
    Once Jakob was safely tucked into the double bed, Lance
    took care of his own needs. He took a quick shower and put
    on a pair of clean shorts and a T-shirt. He didn’t have any
    pajamas, since he normally slept in the nude.
    When he lay down next to Jakob, there was a soft
    rustling sound from under his pillow, and a sweet fragrance
    tickled his nostrils. He lifted his head to check under the
    pillow and found a small bouquet of several types of dried
    flowers, including mistletoe. Apparently the hotel believed in
    old traditions. Lance smiled. He was pretty sure he was too
    tired to dream. He put the pillow back, leaving the bouquet
    in place.
    The next morning came much too quickly. Lance didn’t
    want to wake up from his dream, where everything was all
    right and he was in Magnus’s arms. Lance opened his eyes
    with a start. He’d dreamed about Magnus. His lover would
    The Solstice Mistletoe Effect | Serena Yates

    tell him off for believing in yet another superstition. Lance
    thought it was a good sign anyway.
    What was he going to do? He was no closer to a decision
    than he’d been last night. He was still torn between his love
    for Magnus and his need to be recognized as his partner.
    Was that external recognition really that important?

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