The Sirius Chronicles

The Sirius Chronicles by Christopher Costanza

Book: The Sirius Chronicles by Christopher Costanza Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Costanza
exactly going to help the situation…” He shook his head and put his hand to his chin – “I really don’t know what to do at the moment… We’re going to be here for a long time Atlas. That will give us plenty of time to figure out a way to explain this to them.” I was upset but I couldn’t blame Kayin, neither one of us expected this to happen.
    I turned to Sara – “Any ideas?” She thought for a moment and said “Well actually I took ancient linguistic courses at the academy; it should give me an advantage. Maybe I can even teach them some things… I think Kayin is right. Once we can better communicate and they spend some time with us they’ll realize they’re wrong.” I nodded in recognition.
    “Well let’s make a rule… We have to hide as much technology from them as possible. We should even dress in plain clothes so we don’t seem so… special…”
    Kayin agreed and said “Ok once we get back to the flight deck I’ll send out the message to everyone… that could be a big help Atlas... We have to make ourselves appear normal to them. I’ll even order everyone to leave their handhelds on the ship when they go down to mine.”
    By the time we got back to the Sirius we had all been awake for almost 24 hours. We decided it was best to get some rest, think things over, and reassemble later. Everyone on the ship was in full cooperation… Commander Neros and Cyrus were both dead, there was no one who would want to try and reverse what we had done.
    I don’t think anyone who saw what happened today or heard the news over the communicators would ever turn back… It was an emotional time for all of us. We had gone against all odds to do the right thing and succeeded… Some people laughed, some people cried, and others were silent… it affected us all equally, just in different ways.
    My only worry is that now we’re in even more danger than ever. I can’t help but have a bad feeling about the way the ACI will react… Especially since I’ve decided to destroy Cyrus’ research. Advancement isn’t worth doing what he did…

    Over the next two years Kayin and I did everything we could to convince the natives to stop mining. We did our best not to showcase any technology. Kayin even came up with the idea to have the transport ships start landing further away from the mining sites. Nothing worked.
    We had developed a very simple means of communication with them, mainly using hand signals. Their language was so primitive and vague, one word could mean 20 different things. We even tried getting angry and commanding the natives to stop working but it only made them get scared and go faster. It got to the point where the best we could do was treat them well, give them good food, clean water, and make them take breaks.
    We tried to develop an actual friendship but they were too fearful and refused to view us as anything but some type of higher beings worthy of worship. It became very sad and frustrating after a while… It almost made us wish that Cyrus had made them all just a little more intelligent. He had given them just enough to be a danger to themselves in a situation like this. I couldn’t help but fear it would have an adverse effect on their progression… What if they continued mining for generations due to the fear that me may return and be angry?..
    Fortunately this won’t last for much longer. With the addition of every free man and woman on the ship along with the natives, we have come within days of reaching our goal. I had decided it was finally time to talk to Kayin and Sara about what we might face when we return to Aeris… and I think I had a plan.
    I contacted Kayin and Sara and asked them to meet me on the observation deck. I can only assume neither one of them had thought of this because they haven’t mentioned it. For whatever reason I don’t think the ACI will view our actions as “heroic”.
    When they walked in I had them both sit down – “I’ve been

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