The Sheikh's American Daughter

The Sheikh's American Daughter by Kate Goldman

Book: The Sheikh's American Daughter by Kate Goldman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Goldman
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table. Olivia smiled and shook her head.
    “I am not a drinker,” she confessed. Joseph sat down at the head of the table. Olivia was sitting to his right. “Why are you sitting there? Why not opposite me?” she asked.
    “This way I will be closer to you,” he said. That and the fact that he was used to sitting at the head of the table. It befitted his position as a sheikh.
    “How was your trip?”
    A maid walked in and announced that dinner was ready. Two more maids walked in after her. They carried in trays of food. They placed the food on the table. Joseph reached out for the plate of oysters.
    “I’ve never tasted oysters before,” said Olivia. Joseph picked one up and used a small spoon to scoop some of the contents out.
    “Are you about to feed me?” Olivia raised her eyebrows.
    “Just open up,” he said. Olivia hesitated for a moment. Then she slowly opened her mouth. It was tantalizing being so close to her face. Her lips were nice and luscious. He suddenly wanted to kiss her. Joseph fed her and watched her taste it.
    “It’s an odd taste,” she said. She crossed her eyebrows. “Fishy.”
    “Have another.”
    “I will feed myself this time,” she said and picked up an oyster from the plate. Joseph smiled and nodded.
    After they finished eating their oysters, they started on their dinner. Joseph felt amused as he watched Olivia eating. She enjoyed her food.
    “Has your mother healed from the Sunday lunch?” Olivia asked Joseph.
    “Healed from what?” he asked. Olivia swallowed before she spoke.
    “From the shock of finding out that I am Sheikh Solomon’s daughter.”
    “I have not spoken with her since then. I have been busy with work.” Joseph sighed. He had been meaning to speak with her and his father also. He needed to tell them about marrying Olivia.
    “That is another reason why we cannot marry,” she said.
    “What is?”
    “Your mother. She would not accept me.”
    “Let me deal with that.”
    Olivia raised her eyebrows. Joseph reached out and touched her hand. She had such soft hands. He wondered if her lips were just as soft, and he intended to find out.
    “I don’t want a marriage that begins with me coming between a mother and her son,” she said.
    “She was in shock. She will come around after I speak to her.”
    “I want a marriage built on love, trust and friendship.”
    “We are friends right now, aren’t we?”
    Olivia burst into laughter. “No, we are not. We just know each other and have spent time together on a few occasions. That is all.”
    Joseph inched forward closer to her.
    “I disagree. We more than just know each other.” His voice was suddenly deep.
    “Okay, I don’t know you well enough to trust you.”
    “You do. You are just being difficult.”
    Olivia gasped and pulled her hand away from him. “I am not difficult,” she protested. Joseph grabbed the leg of her chair and pulled it closer to him. Olivia gasped because of the sudden movement. “Are you that strong?” she asked.
    “I am very strong.” he replied matter-of-factly. He tugged on her tank top. “You shouldn’t wear clothes like this. I can’t have other men gawking at my woman.” Olivia frowned at him.
    “So we are going to talk about my clothes again.” She sighed.
    “You shouldn’t frown at me.”
    “First of all, the only thing my top reveals is my arms. Secondly I am not your woman.”
    “You are mine. The sooner you come to terms with it the better.”
    Olivia’s eyes widened. He knew she was about to protest his statement. He leaned closer to her until their faces were almost touching. “Joseph, what are you doing?” she asked.
    “I am about to kiss you before you start complaining again,” he said. She looked annoyed and nervous at the same time. He gently caressed her

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