The Sex MANual: Uncensored

The Sex MANual: Uncensored by Desiree Dean Page A

Book: The Sex MANual: Uncensored by Desiree Dean Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Dean
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want to do is ruin the entire night by doing something stupid that you might usually do. From a total woman’s perspective, here is a list of the Do’s and Do Not’s of After Sex:
    • Do cuddle her after sex . Even though your body may be warm and all you want is to have your space, if you do, you are going to suffer the consequences. Make your woman feel special and loved and let her cuddle up to you.
    • Do NOT leave the room . You and your woman just experienced something very special and amazing and it needs to be treated that way. If you get up and continue on with your night after just making love to her, guaranteed she is not going to be a happy camper. If you want to keep that moment between the two of you blissful and special, then you need to treat it as such.
    • Do kiss her . Right now, her lips are very engorged and jam packed with blood, making them extremely sensitive. Sexy kissing and some passionate tongue play can really get her going all over again. Plus, it is a romantic gesture and one that seals you as being the best.
    • Do NOT ignore her . After sex, it is natural for men to become very tired since the male orgasm takes a lot out of a man. He starts to shut down after sex and is unable to process information in the same way. However, this is not an excuse to ignore your woman. She is still craving attention and affection from you so give it to her if you want that moment after sex to be one that she remembers.
    • Do sweet-talk her . After sex, your woman feels vulnerable and feels exposed. She just let you in and feels very open. This is when she is going to want to talk to you and check in. No matter how annoying it may be and even if all you want to do is turn on the TV and check the score, talk to her. This time spent together and close bonding is good to have and keeps the two of you closer together. Don’t ruin it. Take this opportunity to tell her how amazing she is or how much she means to you. It will mean a lot to her even if it is a simple gesture on your behalf.
    • Do NOT fall asleep . Despite your body telling you that it’s time for bed, if you want to keep your woman a happy camper, fight the tired feeling for at least a few minutes. Falling asleep right after sex is not a good thing because she is going to be offended and worry that you weren’t satisfied or that you were bored. No matter how tired you are, fight it. It will make for a far more enjoyable sleep and one that you don’t have to worry if you and her are fighting or not.
    • Do suggest a shower together . Chances are, your body is steaming hot after sex and you could use a cool down. Rather than excusing yourself and leaving your woman high and dry in the bedroom, suggest that she join you for a cool down. Then, you get to feel clean and cool even if the two of you decide to get hot and heavy again.
    • Do NOT do something that you know will piss her off . This is the “in summary” tip that you need to keep in mind. If you think that doing something might bother her or hurt you in the long run, just don’t do it. Spend that 10-15 minutes with your woman after sex and then go and do what you are going to do. Anything sooner than that is pushing it and that is not what you want to do. Sometimes it is hard for men to get into the brain of women and to know right from wrong. However, you can’t use that as an excuse anymore. By now, you have gotten into the mind of your woman in a way that you haven’t been able to do until now. It’s time that you used what you learned to become a better lover for her.
    Follow these small guidelines to keep that smile on your woman’s face after sex. Remember that even if sex is over that doesn’t necessarily mean that “sex” is over. That moment after sex is just as important as anything that you do before or during sex. Keeping yourself aware of your woman at all times will be very beneficial and will not only help you to become a

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