The Secrets of Paradise Bay

The Secrets of Paradise Bay by Devon Vaughn Archer

Book: The Secrets of Paradise Bay by Devon Vaughn Archer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Devon Vaughn Archer
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caught gaping. The good looks obviously run deep in the Lancaster family.” Naki faced Ivana. “Tell me that Clyde is single and looking.”
    Ivana felt a twinge of jealousy that Naki was already throwing herself at Clyde before they ever met formally. And, as he was definitely available, Clyde just might fall under her spell.
    â€œHe is single but I don’t really know if he’s looking.”
    Naki beamed. “Well, that’s close enough. All of a sudden it looks like the trip could be much more interesting than merely catching up on our lives.”
    Maybe more interesting than I care for it to be , Ivana told herself. I’m not in the mood to play matchmaker, though it doesn’t look like Naki will need my help any in that department .
    â€œSo where have you been all my life?” Naki queried flirtatiously to Clyde as they sat in the living room with Trey and Ivana.
    Clyde grinned and might have asked the same thing of the attractive lady, had he not sensed that Ivana was staring him down as though Naki was invading her territory. He hoped Trey didn’t get the wrong idea. Though, at this point, Clyde wasn’t sure what the right idea was where it concerned him and Ivana.
    She’s my brother’s wife. But that’s certainly not the case with her friend .
    â€œOh, I’ve been around,” he responded, albeit not somewhere she’d want to be. “Though I’ve yet to get to some of the places you and Ivana have been.”
    â€œAll overrated, trust me,” Naki said.
    â€œIf you say so.”
    â€œWould I lie?” she giggled, and sipped red wine.
    â€œAre you still living in New York?” Trey looked at Naki.
    She returned his gaze. “London, actually. Been there for three years now. Much more charming in a retro and artistic way than Manhattan.”
    â€œWe’ll have to go there and visit her sometime, Ivana,” he said.
    â€œI’d like that,” Ivana said, tasting her drink. “London’s a great city.”
    â€œThen consider it an invitation,” stated Naki. “You’re all more than welcome to visit any time I’m there.” She rested her eyes on Clyde. “Especially your good-looking brother-in-law.”
    Clyde blushed, ignoring the resentment he felt from Ivana at the notion. As far as he was concerned, he had to keep all options on the table at this point. At least the ones clearly available, ready, and more than willing.
    â€œSounds like a plan,” he told Naki.

    â€œHow long will Naki be staying?” Trey asked Ivana when they were finally able to get a moment alone.
    She looked at him suspiciously. “Why do you ask?”
    He paused, not wanting to add more tension to their lives, but also feeling it necessary to try and keep her from backpedaling to the substance abusing, partying, and promiscuous lifestyle he was able to pry her away from. As far as Trey knew, Ivana had never been into the hard drugs of the modeling world, but he suspected Naki had been and probably still was.
    â€œI think Naki’s a bad influence on you,” Trey came right out with it. “The last thing either of us needs is her hanging around here getting high when talking about the good old days.”
    Ivana’s chin jutted. “First of all, Naki is not a bad influence on me. Just the opposite. She’s a good friend and always has my best interests at heart, which is more than I can say for you. Secondly, Naki does not use drugs. She has too much respect for her body to go down that road. As for the ‘good old days,’ why shouldn’t we talk about them? It was part of my history and I won’t let you take that away from me too.”
    â€œI don’t recall taking you away from anywhere you wanted to be,” he said, feeling the sting of her words.
    â€œYou wouldn’t, after getting what you went after.”
    â€œThis isn’t about us. I

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