The Secret of the Ancient Alchemist
    “ Hi Tom. ”
    “ Hello
    “ Well, I see you found the connection to the Universal Mind.
Good job. But, I have to tell you it’s not so
accessible .”
    “ What do
you mean?” Hart asked anxiously.
    “ Well, you’re right to think it can be found in silence. I
am glad you know that .”
    “ Why
can’t we connect? What’s the problem now?”
    “ One has to rid oneself of hate, anger, and negative
emotions if it’s to grant one a wish. Simple .”
    “ I
    “ A person is on a journey. Humans need to take that journey
seriously, otherwise, they would not move on. I wish you luck in
finding those missing pages. ”
    “ So, what
do the pages say? I can’t believe Magdalene was discussing
dimensions and matter. What this? Two thousand years ago? We’ve
been struggling for years to understand matter. All we know so far
is that there’s a force that gives objects shape and size so we can
perceive them. The Universal Mind really made matter
    “ Exotic is the word, Tom .”
    “ Exotic?
That kind of matter breaks all known laws of Physics. You’re saying
there are other worlds?”
    “ Exactly. You cannot know what you can’t, though I see you
all trying .”
    “ So, how
did Inti and all those guys get here?”
    “ You already know that, Tom. They travelled through
space-time portals and into your realm, like I
did .”
    “ So,
where does our portal take us? Where does our soul go?”
    “ You’re really anxious to know what’s in those pages, aren’t
you. ”
    “ I am. Do
these pages discuss heaven?”
    “ Heaven you say? ”
    “ Yes.”
    “ I can tell you something about heaven .”
    “ Please
    “ Heaven is permanent. ”
    “ Matter
is permanent in heaven, isn’t it? There’s no entropy there, is
    “ Entropy? That’s a big word, Tom ”
    “ You
know, the way everything gets worn down and weary in our
    “ No, there isn’t any of that. ”
    “ We don’t
    “ No. I hear a lot of talk from you all about roads paved in
gold and rivers of honey .”
    “ Is that
true? I like it here. I don’t need roads paved with gold. So,
what’s the beat?”
    “ Having what you love in an ageless, timeless dimension. You
won’t be challenged again, not by anything. ”
    “ Oh man,
that sounds really good!”
    “ Matter is supernatural in heaven. The Great Mind sent
samples a long time ago .”
    “ Samples?
    “ You should check it out. The Great Mind made sure you all
were told everything and given glimpses of everything. Seems, it
has to start all over again. Bye, Tom .”
    “ Hey,
where are the pages? Hey wait!”
    The voice
vanished and Hart shut his phone off.

Chapter 32
    Back in his
office at the NSA, it was quiet save for the hum of the
supercomputer, Cray TE5. With its two thousand processors, the Cray
tracked the weather globally, gathering information from across the
    He looked at
the hurricane data for the East Pacific. What he saw was nothing
like anything he had ever seen before. A Category 5 hurricane was a
baby compared to the beast that spun around on the screen.
    A rap on his
window startled him. Through the glass, he saw Riley staring back
at him. Riley pointed to the NSA’s conference room.
    Hart slipped
through an adjoining door that led to the room, swearing at the
annoying sounds of the Face Analyst Machine, the security system
that kept strangers out.
    “ Let's go
through this report, please.” Riley placed a document on a table.
“This is a compilation of the research done this past three years
on weather patterns.”
    “ I’m not
so certain about this, Ron,” Hart said flicking through pages of
    “ Not
certain of what?” Riley shouted rudely.
    “ I’ve
looked through this a dozen times. I didn’t see any significance in
it. I didn’t see any changes in glacial melt down, for
    “ Look at
it again,” Riley insisted.
    Hart passed his
hands through his

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