The Secret of the Ancient Alchemist
He sat
down savouring sips of the strong brew. The food soon took away his
hunger and he began to relax some.
    “ We
aren’t alone,” he said. “We aren’t at all.”
    As he ate, his
mind drifted to all the things that defined Man, to his very
essence. What a mistake it was to be ensconced in ego for below the
surface lay Man’s true self. Man’s outward image, status, and
wealth could never equate all creation. The wise have long known
that humans could be all they wanted to be. Yet, they seem always
to choose a path fuelled by blind certainty even when higher
intelligence kept calling. Hart found the realm in silence. It was
a connection to the supernatural and it dizzied him with
    He pursed his
lips thinking of the pages again. “Those ten pages must have said
much. They must have revealed even more astonishing secret of our
life. I must find them.”
    The ring from
his cell phone brought him back to the reality of work. With grease
on his hands, he lifted it and read the text message.
    Where are you?
Call me.
    It came from UN
Specialist, Ron Riley. He was still waiting on Hart’s analysis of
ozone levels and weather changes. Hart sighed. He hadn’t even
started it. Placing the phone aside, Hart thought again of Olsen’s
date. He wanted to mention it to Riley but Riley’s head was cast in
concrete with fixations of himself and his world. He wouldn’t
consider the date nor would he accept the Inca vision. A flight
announcement soon ended his thinking. He drained his coffee and
hurried to the exit terminal.
    Back in New
York, he dialled Olsen’s number as he hurried along Greenwich
    “ Hey?”
    “ Where
are you?” Olsen enquired.
    “ I just
got in from Cambridge. I had a session with Professor Carlon
Leidman. We had a close look at the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. I
believe I found the ancient text after all but a lot of pages are
missing. Nonetheless, it’s quite a revelation.”
    “ Did it
mention of a realm in us?”
    “ It sure
did. It’s in a place where incomprehensible silence
    “ What
makes you so sure?”
    “ The
gospel describes a gap, the mindless state. It’s a portal to a
whole new intelligence, bearing the soul and the supernatural mind
in a realm of light.”
    “ That can
beam waves to us.” Olsen was genuinely delighted.
    “ I need
an opinion, Olsen. So, listen carefully.”
    “ Go
    “ It’s
clearly stated in the gospel that matter gave birth to a passion
that has no equal.”
    “ That
statement supports a realm for sure.”
    “ And, a
question was raised by Mary Magdalene.”
    “ What
    “ Will
matter then be utterly
    “ Why
would she have said that, Tom? Did she get an answer?”
    “ She
did. A ll
nature, all forms, all creatures exist in and with each other, and
will be resolved again into their proper roots .”
    “ You’re
kidding? That’s dimensional stuff. They were discussing that two
thousand years ago?”
    “ Magdalene asked that question because she may have wondered
about matter being destroyed by a transformation to a
    “ Yes, of
course. She would not have understood it. I imagine not many would
    “ Probably
no one. Then, there’s the matter of Schmidt’s translation of the
    “ What did
Bentley say about it, Tom?”
    “ The
Gospel was written in Sahidic Coptic and he believes Schmidt was
more than capable. In fact, Schmidt completed his work in 1912 and
then, sent it to a press, where, unfortunately, it was damaged.
Then World War 1 came. Schmidt died in 1938.”
    “ Did
notes survive? Did he leave clues concerning the missing
    “ No, but
those pages must have gone somewhere.”
    “ If
matter was discussed two thousand years ago, then those missing
pages say a hell of a lot.”
    “ About
who we are and where we are going.”
    “ You must
find them.”
    “ I
    Before Hart
could switch his phone off, a buzz in his ear sounded.


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