The Secret of Strange Waters (The Light Keeper Series Book 2)

The Secret of Strange Waters (The Light Keeper Series Book 2) by Kelly Hall

Book: The Secret of Strange Waters (The Light Keeper Series Book 2) by Kelly Hall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Hall
match to Talon. And I loved them both.
    The vision faded, and I lay back trying to make sense of it all. I couldn’t tell Talon. No way. I figured he didn’t want to hear it, and it would only cause more problems. I yawned big and closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep soon.
    I found myself lying on my back, completely bathed in light. It was so bright and blue that I squinted. My eyes scanned around me between blinks, hoping to find my Light, but it was not there. Waves rushed under me, bobbing me up and down; reminding me of the times I’d floated on a raft, yet under me there was no raft and no water. I was freely suspended—floating—and I started to panic, my legs and arms flailing about, trying to find something to cling to. A pounding heartbeat filled my ears so loudly it had to be mine. I let out a scream, and it seemed to echo into the expanse around me.
    I hoped something would come into focus, but there was nothing there. I was caught in a limbo; a place I’ve never been in the visions I’ve had before, but this was not a vision. It was a dream. The realization caused me to fight to waken myself. Before I opened my eyes, I heard a voice boom out, “Help me!” My eyes opened as I gasped, part of me wishing I hadn’t left so soon, the other part sure it was for the best. I sat up, feeling the pain shoot through my temples from my earlier vision. It was just a silly dream. I opened the bottle I kept beside my bed and swallowed two pills. Lying back down, I tugged the covers up around my neck and stared at the ceiling until it disappeared behind my heavy lids.
    Despite the pills, I woke up early the next morning with a pounding headache, remembering the strange dream. I’ve had many since coming to Bragg, but this one was different. I dismissed it as normal—most likely a product of the headache forming in my sleep. I could barely open my eyes, and once Talon figured out that I had had another vision, he would want to know all about it. But this vision I just couldn’t share. I got up to take some more medicine and hoped it would work fast. I managed to beat Talon to the bathroom and got myself ready early. Being up before him would be suspicious, but hopefully he wouldn’t say anything.
    No such luck. As soon as I stepped into my closet to get my shoes, he staggered into my bedroom, rubbing his eyes and flipping on the lights. “What’s all this?” he asked, waving his hand at me. “Did I oversleep?”
    I squinted at the bright room. “No, I just happened to wake up,” I said with a shrug. He stood there staring at me, a little unsure, and turned back to his room to get ready without a word. He didn’t say anything else until we got outside and the sunlight hit me, and he caught me wincing.
    “Are you okay, Lily?” he asked, opening the door to the truck. Owen was on his way over to say hello while Hunter was still inside, talking to Granny. He leaned against the truck and ate his protein bar breakfast as Talon awaited my answer.
    “I’m fine.” I tried to force my eyes wider, only to regret it.
    “You don’t seem so fine,” Talon said. He glared at me accusingly. I wasn’t sure what he was thinking.
    Owen inspected me with squinted eyes while turning up his chin and tilting his head to glare at me sideways. “She looks normal to me, Thomas.” Owen liked disagreeing with Talon, and by his snippy use of Talon’s last name, that was what he was trying to do.
    Talon climbed into the driver’s seat. “Did you have a vision last night?”
    I couldn’t lie, but I couldn’t tell the truth, either. I tucked my chin and averted my eyes. Owen read my body language, and after giving me a knowing look, spoke up. “So what if the girl gets a headache. She’s probably sick of you. Lay off.” I leaned my head against the door, waiting for the argument that I could feel coming on.
    “Butt out, Riley,” Talon said, as Hunter walked up.
    “Whoa, excuse me. I was only coming to say good

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