The Secret Heiress

The Secret Heiress by Susie Warren

Book: The Secret Heiress by Susie Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susie Warren
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Instead of pruning the vines today, she was supposed to spend time with Alistair in the production area. The grapes weren’t ready to harvest yet, but the workers were getting the equipment ready and accepting deliveries of the supplies.
    The house was quiet, so she ventured outside and took a few photographs with her phone. The morning sun coming over the vineyard created a spectacular image of the vines and gently sloping hills. How did Alistair leave this place? If she managed the vineyard, she doubted that she would spend any time in London.
    He joined her on the terrace and brought her a cup of coffee.
    He said, “You are an early riser.”
    Alistair was wearing worn jeans and a black T-shirt with work boots. He seemed relaxed and ready for the day.
    She looked out over the vineyard. “I like to be awake when everything is quiet.”
    “Is that a habit you started when working for Blackly Simonson?”
    She could see a mist rising off the vines as the sun started to warm the earth.
    Anna shook her head. “No. I’ve always woken up early. My mother used to insist that I needed fewer hours of sleep than most.”
    Alistair looked at her with an intensity that made her body ache to be touched. “A good trait for a managing partner to have.”
    The day passed in a blur. She accompanied Alistair on his morning rounds but then ventured out on her own. The crew he had working at the vineyard had been together a long time and everyone was welcoming and ready to show her different aspects of the business.
    She was helping to reload labels into a machine when Alistair caught her attention.
    “It’s nearly four o’clock, and my grandparents are expecting us.”
    She nodded and thanked the worker she was helping. Walking out of the production facility, she waved to different people she had met.
    Anna had packed her overnight bag that morning and placed it in the foyer.
    Alistair carried their bags to the car and she reluctantly followed. She had enjoyed the trip immensely.
    He opened the boot of the car. “I could leave you here for a week and you wouldn’t notice that I was gone.”
    She smiled at him. “I’d notice.”
    “You definitely made a good impression.”
    “I enjoyed it and learned a ton.”
    They both got in the Land Rover.
    Driving down the driveway, he asked, “Did it give you a better idea of what to do for the event?”
    “Maybe. But now I’m obsessed with the idea of living on a vineyard. I don’t know how you leave this place.”
    “The business is much larger than just producing the wine. There is also the sales and distribution network to manage.”
    She thought about the business aspects of Martin Enterprises. “You’ve managed to build an empire. Everyone I met yesterday and today was focused on the role that they play for the company. The desire to want to do an excellent job was palpable. I’ve observed it at your corporate offices and at the microbreweries. I’m sure very few organizations get to that level of dedication and clarity.”
    “It’s part of being a strong leader. I actively cultivate an organization that seeks clarity, improvement and the overall mission.”
    Looking out the window, she realized Alistair was so much more than just a man who inherited a vineyard. He had the intellect and insight to grow the business and ensure its success.
    “I know Gala & More is much smaller, but I want to learn to do some of the same things.”
    “I guess it is advantageous that you have a business advisor.”
    Something told her that he would be setting out more growth opportunities for her in the near future. But now she almost welcomed the challenge. He had backed off on the physical aspects of their relationship. Had he lost interest or was he waiting until she was no longer a client?
    Alistair turned down a driveway marked “private” on the other side of the vineyard. After a considerable distance, his grandparent’s cottage came into view.
    “It’s beautiful. Is it

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